If there really are only 32 slots left...

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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If there really are only 32 slots left (not including retail/ con exclusives) then who would you want??? Some of the slots have been taken, so I will start by eliminating those...
Nekkid Sam
Usher Scooter
Dr Phil Van Neuter
Marvin Suggs
MTI Kermit
Johnny Fiama
Uncle Deadly
Naked Rowlf (this doesnt' really count since I am not counting figs with sets)
If there are more (I have yet to buy the new Toyfare) then please let me know. If you argue my info, let me know that too, cause I may be overshooting with my math... if I am undershooting, lemme know that too. But who do you guys want to see made knowing we have this many slots???


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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...I'm not sure where you're getting the number "32" from...there's been no announced end to the line, and all indications are that momentum is still building, and Palisades will be making Muppets through 2005.

Some that have been "semi-announced" that aren't on your list include:

Black Tux Gonzo (exclusive)
"Classic Animal 2" (exclusive)
Ghost of Sam Arrow (exclusive)

And "Another Gonzo in a completely different outfit."


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2002
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Besides, I'd go out on a limb to say Muppets has been Palisades most successful line. I've never bought another of their products before, let alone heard of them. Not renewing the license if the line still has momentum when it expires would be suicide.

If there's only 32 left, I'd definately want the obvious Lips, regular Robin,...uh, I dunno what else. I just want Palisades to pick up the JHH license :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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He means 32 regular wave figures up until wave 14 when the license runs out. Ya got club exclusives, con exclusives and retail exclusives to add to that though. We've already had a lot, to be honest I think another 45 or so figures would pretty much top the regular line off nicely. Going any further and they'll be so dry of new characters and ideas that it will start to make it look like they'd put any old thing out just to continue making money and their reputation upto now has been about quality so i'd hope the line will go out on a high. Once you've done all the best stuff I don't see the point of paying to renew just to put out weaker stuff.

However, I would like to see Palisades create a new collectable line, get the license for that around early-2005 and continue on that way. Possibly the actual felt Muppet mega replicas they had wanted to do but got turned down. Also i'd like to see PVC scenes from classic episodes of TMS, like the Ren & Stimpy ones.

Bean Bunny

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2002
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I just want a Bean Bunny figures. Make it happen Ken. :halo: :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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I would also love to see figures from Muppet Family Christmas!

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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All rightee then...

Thanks for the back-up Luke. My numbers are for 4 figures (base) per series, and 8 series left (through 2005). So there's no reason why Lips can't be made. I think if Ken came on out with every thing he was gonna do, the surprise wouldn't be there. I know it's BARELY there since they announce like, 6 months in advance, but hey, there has to be SOME mystery!!! (this is not a complaint about surprise, I'm the guy who wants to know everything he's getting for X-Mas beforehand). My count does not include exclusives or figs with playsets since we have no idea how many playsets are left to come out.
Luke, I totally agree with you that there sure wouldn't be that many more figs to put out. The only reason I see to continue the line past 2005 (I personally want to see EVERY muppet made, but that's me. I'm obsessed.) from a business standpoint, would be to put out the many playsets that the collectors desire. Most of my rantings are to be viewed as simply, one idiots opinion. Either way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2002
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Whatever said:
I would also love to see figures from Muppet Family Christmas!
Does Palisades even have the license to that?

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hmm Well the characters I feel that need to be done are Reg Robin, Bean Bunny, Emily Bear, Lips, Pops, Sweetums, Uncle Deadly, Bobo, reg Rowlf, Sal the Monkey, Nurse Piggy, Nurse Janice and Dr. Bob. Some of these are already listed or are like duh/must Muppet figures like Reg Robin, Rowlf, Sal, Sweetums and so on. But also some of them are already planed too! :smile:

a few other must/maybes I think would be are Patrol Pig Link, Andy and Randy Pig, belhop Pepe and belhop Seymore the Elephant, and Yowanda Rat with maybe some other rats as well,plus pack in's such as Gaffer and Foo Foo.

then there are the tux figures, MTI, Vacation and other movie figures.

That's round about 19, not inculding pack-ins or the tux figures, MTI, Vacation and other movie figures. I could see a Belhop two pack.Puls two figures might/will be wth playsets, Rowlf with backstage and mostlikey. Nurse Janice with a vets set if that comes out, Rowlf and Piggy already have sets would already have sets then to come out with a vets set. I think if a stage is ever done it should come with a new version of Kermit with Banjo.