I think Scooter would be great for this job. With perhaps Bean Bunny as Scooter's old role as Go-Fer.
That "muliple muppets" would work great as well. Cause to a really small extent, they already did that in TMS. (I think, please, please, correct me if I'm wrong!) Also the Johnny Fiama/Sal Minalla thing would do great, for a few eps. Aw, heck while we're at it, we could really bring back the Electric Mayhem. I also didn't like this one thing they did for TMT:
Statler and Waldorf in a NURSING HOME. Yes, they are old men, but...geezus...they shouldn't have been slapped in an old folk's home. That was a little too much, especially cause they didn't really show aging in any form for the other Muppets.