If Honker figures get made

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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How would you want figures of the Honkers to be released?

Would you want them in the regular line, possibly taking up spots that could be given to more distinct characters, especially if more than one honker gets made and all in seperate packaging?

Would you want a multi-pack of Honkers released as exclusives? Would you want a multi-pack of 2 or more honkers in a boxed packaging outside of a regular series in a deal similar to how Big Bird is going to be released?

Would you want palisades to try as hard as possible to release two reglar-sized honkers in the normal packaging (and if that is not possible, then a normal-sized honker with the small honker as a pack-in)?

Or would you want palisades to release a three-paint of honkers, and just make the honkers that could easily be repainted without sculpting (which would mean no green or gray honker, but a three paint that could get the blue, red, and purple ones released would probably be doable)? Of course, I don't think Palisades is currently considering repaints for the Sesame Street line.

Or would you want the honkers released in some other form?

I like the idea of having a few Honkers boxed together on it's own (and not as part of a series) the best.

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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To me, the Honkers never seemed like characters that would be blessed with lots of articulation. All I can see for them is arms and maybe neck. So IMHO the best plan is to release the Honkers as pack-ins similar to Polly Lobster.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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OMG!! If Honkers get made at all into figures, I will be as happy as a newborn puppy! I adore the Honkers. I wouldn't mind seeing them as 2 (or 3)-pack special releases similar to the Penguins, only in different colors. If they decide to put a single Honker as part of a regular set, I want it to be "Homer".

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I think that the small pink honker is the only honker that could be a pack-in. The honkers look close to the same size as an average muppet. Just because articulation if limited doens't mean they have to be a pack-in. I do wonder if two normal-sized honkers could fit together. Of course, there aren't very many accessories they could have, either. maybe the clock from Honk Around The Clock, maybe a brick wall.....

the Honkers would probably have their arms sculpted so that they could honk, although it is possible that they could have removable arms, with straightned arms and arms posed to honk their noses.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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2 honkers in one package, one male, one female, and a baby honker.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Limitted articulation? How do you mean? From the looks of things it wouldn't be much different than the Fozzie figure, or most of the monster characters from Sesame Street should they get made.

Also, it might be a cool idea to do a 2-pack with a Honker and a Dinger together.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Limitted articulation? How do you mean? From the looks of things it wouldn't be much different than the Fozzie figure, or most of the monster characters from Sesame Street should they get made.

Also, it might be a cool idea to do a 2-pack with a Honker and a Dinger together.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2005
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I'd prefer to see a two-pack of Honkers, each a different color. Different facial expressions (open vs. closed mouth, for instance) would be nice.

Naturally they have to be able to move their hands to and away from their noses. That means, probably, articulation in the shoulder, elbow, and bicep (that's "swivel-arm battle grip" in old G.I. Joe lingo). Unfortunately Palisades doesn't like adding articulation to naked furry limbs--it "sacrifices the sculpt," they say, in a way that (for instance) adding wrist rotation at the end of a sleeve does not, since the sleeve is a natural break and you don't notice the cut. Naked furry arms don't have any natural breaks. Personally I was quite disappointed with Fozzie's lack of articulation, and I wouldn't have minded interrupting the look of the fur if I could've bent his elbows.

As for how they're released--I wonder if two honkers in a package could be included in the line in a regular spot if there were no accessories. I doubt it, but then the Two-Headed Monster is supposed to be as big as two figures and he's (they're) in a regular spot. Anyway, if the Honkers have to be fit into the regular line-up I could live with identical heads and no baby and no accessories.

If they make them an exclusive or do something else irregular (and they can do more because they can charge more money), then I definitely want two different head sculpts and something else with them. I agree with those who say a baby is a good idea (didn't one hatch out of an egg in one skit?). Of course Minor Muppetz is right, there aren't many accessories that naturally leap to mind. If there had to be an accessory, I think Palisades would need to go for some generic Sesame Street item (small animal, vegetable, living object) not related to the Honkers per se--like how they threw in a cabbage and scallion with Rainbow Connection Kermit to pad out the figure.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Maybe one of the arms can be sculpted so it can be turned toward the nose. You know the shoulders are ball jointed, and have a swivel.