If A Genie Granted You Three Wishes...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2005
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I would assume being granted immortality would mean you'd stop aging. That is unless you get one of those twisted genies who uses people's wishes to do them in or make them suffer in one of those ironic punishment kind of deals.
In Fox's new show to be coming this fall there is a character named John Amsterdam who has been blessed or cursed with immortality. He is already over 300 years old, having arrived in New Amsterdam in 1647 and saved a native American girl whose tribe was killed by European settlers, by stepping in front of a sword for her. She saved him and blessed him by saying that he would never die or grow old until he found his soulmate. He is now in 2007 working for the NYPD, and hates the fact that everyone he comes into contact with is going to have to leave him eventually. Shows title: "New Amsterdam."