Okay here's my idea....
Abby learns about Sesame Street...
It's basically the plot of "Big Bird Sings," but with a little less songs and more memories of the past and it does feature Abby and Big bird in a Student/teacher sort of way.
Another idea of my is called...
Sesame Street 40 years and still count higher...
In a banquet hosted by Kermit the frog, the Academy of television honors Sesame Street and it cast and crew. Through various clips we learn the history of the show from the stars themselves. And with musical preformances by Patti Labelle and Cookie Monster in "C is for Cookie.."(The disco version), Ernie and the NY city Rockettes in "Rubber Duckie," Oscar and the SS cast in "I Love Trash" and "the Grouch song," Mickey Mouse and Elmo in "Tap dancing with Mickey and Elmo," Abby Cadabby and Kermit the Frog in "But I like You," Grover and a choir in "Monster in the Mirror and Fuzzy and Blue," Big Bird and the SS cast in an all-new song....
Or maybe I should save all these songs for the soundtrack, no ?