Honestly, I agree with you. The site has just gone completely downhill, and even though people *try* to make it like the old days, it doesn't work. I've tried to explain why before, since the silliness used to be spontaneous. Now it's just forced (and I think people gave up on that pursuit anyway?)This place has plunged drastically since the 2011 Muppet Movie. Kids who claim to be 13 & over actually aren't! One person claimed to be MY age was/is a teenager! It bugs the living daylights out of me . I remember when it used to be fun! We were like a family (And FYI, people, trying to make this place like it used to be doesn't work. )
I went through surgery 2 1/2 years ago. MAJOR surgery. Had this been 10 years ago , I would have gotten "Can I help you in any way?" "Are you OK?" & other concerned posts. After I was well enough to post 2 1/2 years ago , (with the exception of a couple of people that have known me from Day 1.) I got NADA...ZIP...ZERO concern from anyone! One person even had the nerve to say "Oh well....this too shall pass !" SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE??!! No wonder why so many people have left!
AND there's been a perverted person hanging around here (or HAD been hanging around here. I have said person on IGNORE) who'd been coming to my female friends in PMs & saying lewd things to them! These friends of mine have left or don't post as much anymore . (Phil, Cindy & Ed...I've mentioned this person to you in the past. If you forgot, I'll let you know.)
If people have left because of stuff (whether good or bad) happening in a place called Real Life, that's fine. I understand. But I'd say it's only a quarter of people. *I* have stuff going on as well Offline. But I don't think anyone (with the exception of people that I keep in touch w/ via Email ) care!
I'm keeping my profile up if I DO change my mind.
Anyway, I've stopped posting myself because one I have nothing worth contributing, and two, I'm actually scared to post something that conflicts with someone else's views. This site has gone the way of "Only my opinion is right and you're wrong" rather than civilized discussions. Not to mention the lack of admin support when things go south. I lurk every now and again, seeing if anything interesting has been posted to my subscribed threads that might be worth a read but I generally stay silent.
Honestly I should just abandon this site altogether but its almost become a habit due to lack of anything better to do than check my threads sometimes. The number of people I've had issues with and HAVEN'T been able to come to an understanding compared to those I have is just...unbelievable. Because of this site I ended up with TWO stalkers, one of them following me offsite to tumblr and harassing me across all my blogs there it got that bad.
For what its worth though , I don't think said person you are referring to is still around. I have a few things to say about that if you wanna talk in private and are interested though.
Anyway I'm more than happy to give you my email if you want it, though I barely check my email these days.