I Think This Says it All


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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It's a normal thing to be self critical and I think most people are most self critical then other people are of there own work.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Hah, I am not a very good writer, but I try hard.

You've put effort into your scripts, so that's what makes me read them.

I don't always comment on every fanfiction, because there are some that simply don't interest me.

Either there is no plotline, good characterization, or just plain humor.

Though, I happen to read yours because it's a good read, honest.

No sympathy in my words whatsoever.
I despise giving sympahy, so you're talking with an honest gal.

From a writer who isn't so popular...here is some good advice:
Everyone has a style.
Not everyone has the same style. :smile:

Consider yours unique when writing scripts/stories.

You're unique because you have a vivid imagination when it comes to scripts and such. You have a wonderful sense of humor---I spill some laughter, too! Very good plots that are eccentric (good way).

Don't you worry too much.
You'll be surprised on just how many take a peek in your stories.

I should know! I've caught some people peeking in mine!
Some just are a little lazy to comment, that's all.

Don't feel too discouraged.
Believe in your talent. :smile:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Big no-no in fanfiction by the way:

Sh3 w@lk3d 2 th3 b@kery cuz sh3 f3lt lik3 !t.

x) Sorry.
I just HATE....chatspeak.

Thankfully, you don't do that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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Here's the dealio, I feel that there is a REALLY thin line between being an egotistical, cocky schmuck, and being confident. You don't wanna seem TOO cocky, but you also don't wanna down yourself too much. That's why whenever I feel I'm getting too cocky, I always down myself to the point of where people think that I'm gonna shoot myself. Do I think I'm any good? Not really, there are a few things I'm good at. What they are, I don't know, but that's not the point. The point is that if you think that your stuff is good, that's fine, if people don't like it, that's on them. If they don't like it, it's a free country, they don't HAVE to read it. They choose to read it and that's their criticism, you gotta take that with a grain of salt and accept that it's just what they think. For every one person that doesn't like it, I'm sure that there are 37 more that do. But, yeah there are a lot of weirdos out there, I guess they're tired of all the people promoting sucky things on their boards, but I would be too if somebody promoted something too much on their board. Remember what I always say man, LOVE EVERYBODY(I'm starting with the women lol)



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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You know I have heard and read that young people who want to become writers should do one thing. That one thing is keep writeing even when you think you can't write no more keep writeing. Look at Adem Sandler he has wrote so many movies, and before that him and his buddy tim Hurlahey wrote on SNL. Adem and his friends spend a lot of time togehter just writeing. Thats what it is really all about.
Now on fan-fics I have ideas for some, but I'm not going to do it. Here is why, I think my ideas could really go all the way. When I find the right path to take to get my ideas to the top then i will start typing my life away. Now a lot of people say well you should write down your thoughts, so you don't forget about them. Yes in a way that is true but sometimes your mind will help weed out what needs to be in your writeing and what does not. I mean i have only shared my ideas with one other person and she is not even a member here so she is not going to steal my thoughts.
Anyways yall who do the fan fics you seem to really do a good job, but ya know i would rather sit for hours and type out a stroy and have it make me some money.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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You know I have heard and read that young people who want to become writers should do one thing. That one thing is keep writeing even when you think you can't write no more keep writeing. Look at Adem Sandler he has wrote so many movies, and before that him and his buddy tim Hurlahey wrote on SNL. Adem and his friends spend a lot of time togehter just writeing. Thats what it is really all about.
Now on fan-fics I have ideas for some, but I'm not going to do it. Here is why, I think my ideas could really go all the way. When I find the right path to take to get my ideas to the top then i will start typing my life away. Now a lot of people say well you should write down your thoughts, so you don't forget about them. Yes in a way that is true but sometimes your mind will help weed out what needs to be in your writeing and what does not. I mean i have only shared my ideas with one other person and she is not even a member here so she is not going to steal my thoughts.
Anyways yall who do the fan fics you seem to really do a good job, but ya know i would rather sit for hours and type out a stroy and have it make me some money.
Well, writing is just one thing I lean towards; being a behind-the-scenes buff that I am, I also tend to do a lot of my own producing and directing... heck, I don't even have a staff for my sitcom, and already I've appointed myself Producer/Director (which will be a challenge because I'll also have to do some on-screen puppeteering as well)... I'd appoint myself Executive Producer, but I KNOW I ain't got THAT kind of money!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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We need to talk, I think I would like to help ya out. We are not that far from each other so that would not be a problem. Tell ya what send me the idea for the show and let me see if it's something i can get behind. I'm not going to make any promases but i to am a behind the secens type like you, and i know ya can't pay but if ya need an exitutive producer I might can help.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Art and Life and Self Promotion

I have also found there's also a fine line between faux modesty and self depreciation. Therefore, just do what you do, think from your heart and your gut on such things rather than intellectual dissection. Over-thinking such issues leave me unhappy every time. Just remember to credit your sources, as art is not created in a vacuum, and try to avoid stepping on toes. (I believe this quote, used by many, to be a true un-credited cliché.)

As far as being a writer, I left film school many years ago because I ran out of things to say. That's dangerous. Such lack of substance doesn't seem to stop Hollywood. I had stopped even going to movies - my favorite thing in the world. This resulted in my taking time off to live and experience more things to fuel my artistic perspective...and how!

I know a lot of artists who think imagination can solve the problems of inexperience and others who will only work in a tested formula they know. I try to employ a cafeteria approach - expose myself to everything and choose what works for my taste. (A wise substitute teacher once told me that.)

But never hide your skills for modesty sake. That will just keep you a well-kept secret. Art is about communication. As long as one’s promotion doesn't eclipse their work I see no problem with it. :wisdom:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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That's really interesting, Frogboy and Dwayne, thanks for the advice! :wisdom: