I rescued a kitten, what do I do?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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well at least you saved her life :smile:

My grandmother actually found a kitten a few weeks ago and brought it home. Its an outside cat now though. Its really cute. But where we are the weather is warm still, so its not like its freezing. And we have a doghouse set up for it with blankets and things.
Personally I would have the kitten as a house cat, not an outside cat. Cats living outside can easily run away and not come back. Or as bad as this sounds, someone can take the cat away and keep it for their own.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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We live in the country in the middle of nowhere. We already have 4 indoor cats. we need outside cats to control the rodent population. I just wish they wouldnt leave the mice in the middle of our lawn. ick :stick_out_tongue: and most poeple where I live do have outside cats.

and we do feed them and give them water and like I said we do have shelter so its not like we arent taking care of them.

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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After this whole ordeal, I can't stress enough to people to SPAY OR NEUTER YOU PETS! Especially if they're outdoor pets. We swung by our local animal shelter this weekend and learned that the number of cats they had has doubled to 450 in less then a month. They have a "no kill" policy which is heartwarming, but they actually have to turn people away who are bringing them animals. They actually have to keep crates in the lobby and front office because they're out of space in the housing area!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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I feel your pain, Dave. Recently a friend of mine rescued a kitten and he ended up living with me for three weeks, but neither of us could keep him. We wanted to bring him to the SPCA but they don't actually have a no-kill policy and we were so worried that he would be euthanised! We ended up finding a good home for him but the whole thing was a really tough ordeal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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After this whole ordeal, I can't stress enough to people to SPAY OR NEUTER YOU PETS! QUOTE]

I often use the same thinking with people having children. Too many people have children that shouldn't. But this is going to another subject.

We live in the country in the middle of nowhere. We already have 4 indoor cats. we need outside cats to control the rodent population. I just wish they wouldnt leave the mice in the middle of our lawn. ick and most poeple where I live do have outside cats.

and we do feed them and give them water and like I said we do have shelter so its not like we arent taking care of them.
Oh, I thought you lived in the city. hey, I got a dog that kills giant sized rats!

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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We always get our pets fixed. All our cats are. Our dog isnt though. But since we keep him away from other dogs, theres really no need to.