Yep, advertise, advertise, advertise!!!
I can help you out alot when it comes to organising up your site, and cleaning it up. I'm also an amateur with graphic design, so I can make you a logo or buttons (Photoshop is your friend!). Like I said before, your actual site content is good, and when your layout is really snazzy, people will be compelled to join your forum.
Ahahaha, the heart. <3 it's a sideways heart. You read it out as "heart" too. So it reads "I heart you". Meaning in my little language, that you're awesome. I was worried about hurting your feelings by me critiquing your site, so I was reminding you that it was just that, critiquing.
By the way, what do you host your site on? It's hard to get anything free that is really good (no ads, alot of space, etc). Have you considered buying any webspace? Or, a friend of mine has his own server, but I don't know if he hosts sites anymore. Hmm...