I'm not sure what it is about the making and selling of replicas in this particular fandom that riles people up so (you don't see that in other fandoms) but it's a hot button here. In other fandoms people kit-bash and produce garage models, sell customized action figures (also illegal), build prop and replica costumes all the time and people are always excited to see that "aspect" of the fandom. Here, for some reason, some over zealous fans feel a deep connection to these characters and like to tattle on anyone *they feel* is disrespecting them in some way. I will admit this guy's actions outside of just building replicas seems pretty sleazy and he deserves what he gets.
I personally, don't get their attitude. Disney has slews of attorney's that work night and day to protect their assets. And they do. I feel like we should let them do their job and stop being such "narcs" about it, but that's just my opinion. I mean no one says anything about trading downloaded MP3's or movies (that you didn't pay for-and are not the copyright holder on translation: stealing) on other forums but it's over looked. That however is a whole different conversation, but the ethics are the same.
Yet, when official merchandise (like the posers from MR or defunct promises from EFX) come out, many of these same people can be observed moaning and whining about how "expensive" they are or going to be, how "unobtainable" they are and that they will "never in their lifetime be able to buy one", or that "you'd have to be rich". I just chalk it up to the "I want what I can't have" mentality. Maybe that's negative of me, but it's what I've observed here. Unless you build a replica yourself, usually the overwhelming response here can be very negative, and even then it still may be "frosty" so be prepared for that. That's not to say it's everyone's mentality but it is voiced very loudly by a few.
The problem with this fella is pretty well documented around the web. He used to go by the name Vault of Puppets, as well as others. He has been banned from countless prop websites. I hear he/they (there was a lawsuit against several defendants) has a history of bad deals, or so I've heard. It's a shame really, because he/they did do some decent work. Using a photoshopped photo to represent your work is just down right dishonest though. Bottom line, go with your gut. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
I build puppets and I always take pictures during the build process or at least when they are done. I just don't buy the story that he built one and shipped it out without photos. Who does that? No photos of your prototype? Especially, when he could have that puppet picture to put on his website or portfolio. I'm calling foul. I've heard before of him using doctored photos of actual Muppets so this doesn't surprise me.
I personally believe he sent the photo to procure your money. Does that mean your Pepe wouldn't look good? It might look good (if you ever get it) but the photoshopped photo is enough for me to say sorry, no deal. Even in the world of replica props and costumes (copyrighted material), there is a list of no-no's that you just don't do. Misrepresentation or taking other peoples work for your own is high on the list. It's sort of an "honor among thieves" type of code of conduct. Unfortunately many scammers exist in the world making commission deals, scary. You never can tell. The best way is to ask for a list of their previous customers to contact for verification and feedback. If they won't give you any, run for the hills.
Don't let him fool you or bully you with that last email. Anyone who builds a copy of an already existing, copyrighted character, is in violation of the owners copyright. No matter if they call it "replica", "rendition", "fan-made creation", "clone", etc. They are not the copyright holder and they are technically, breaking the law. In this case, rather flagrantly. That's not to say that Disney will break down the door of your house with the FBI for a onesey-twosey, kinda of replication, or fan build, but they could legally stop you and send a cease and desist. When you deal with replicas that's just the facts.