Take care of you're self Dwayne and take it easy.
So they finally removed that sixth toe of yours?
HA HA nope its still there i think the doc wants to take it off and put some of the bones or nerves into my ankle. lol
Forgboy Well there have been many differnt things happen to my leg/ankle. When I worked at a thrift store a lot of things happen to my leg. The first thing was someone was going to need me to load a dresser for them. When there was a pick up like that the people would bring there flatbed trucks (We would hope) and back them up close to the stairs that led to the back room of the store. Well when i loaded this one they didn't back up all the way and there was just eough of a gap for my foot to slide into and cause me to trip. Causing the dresser and all to fall on top of me. That was the first one, and the second one was I triped and fell over one of them bathtub seats.
Now I know that everyone is going to say well why did you not get workman's comp.? When both things happen i was in pain, but not a lot or not eough to make me stop working. I would tell my Boss about what had happen but they would not file a report. With time the pain would get worse untill i could only walk on my tip toes on my left foot. So with no insuracne I would go to the ER and they would never really know what was wrong. They would give me a quick fix, and send me on my way. Now if I stay on my foot for very long it really starts to hurt and i have to walk with a limp. Last night I was having to limp, and was coming out of the bathroom and triped on something that was on the floor. That caused me to hit my head on the open closet door, and fall. When I fell i think i twisted my ankile. I lay in the floor for about ten mimets, I could not get anyone to help me up because my family went to church. When they came home I told my girlfriend all about it. She wanted to look at my foot, and asked me to take my sock off. When I did my foot had started turning black and blue and was getting a big bump on it. So we went to the ER, and here i sit.