Dude, now way! We read the lottery in the seventh grade. Nobody actually got what the point of it was until the teacher explained that what one of the character says gives it away.
Setting: Small farming town, 1950's maybe
All of the community gathers in the town square and the mayor brings out a box with a bunch of little papers inside. The citizens were called out individually by a list and took a paper from the box. If the paper was blank, then they did not win the lottery. There was one piece of paper with a black spot (I think, this was three years ago) and whoever drew it was the "winner" of the lottery. Now here is where it gets confusing. The person who "won" was stoned to death.
Now the reason the townspeople did this was because they believed a sacrifice was needed for the crop to do well. A strange story, that looks even more strange in movie form (Yes, they did make a short film of it).