Aw hail no... AWWWW HAIL NO!!!
My state is wanting to make DST permanent... as in, when we spring forward, never again will we fall back...
I am not going to stand for that! If they want to stop having to readjust the clocks twice a year, then don't make DST permanent, get rid of DST altogether! They say this will benefit school children, uh, lemme tell ya something... when I was a kid in school, and DST was in effect, the fact that it was still daylight outside when I was sent to bed at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, whatever certainly did not benefit me, and I doubt it benefits other kids as well.
Already the Bush administration screwed things up by extending DST when it didn't need to, but if DST becomes permanent in my state... I'm going to get revolting... I'll start a revolt!