How to build a full body puppet

Jun 16, 2009
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Hey guys, this is Da Web Croniclz! I was looking around the forum and pretty much found some threads on how to make a full bodied puppet, but it seemed that no one really was explaining it the way I expected them to(no offense). So this is the thing. I'm trying to make a bird puppet that looks similar to big bird or abelardo montoya from "Plaza Sesamo". I already know how to make the outside of the puppet(when it comes to glueing/stitching on the feathers), but I am basically looking for how to make the skeleton of the puppet. I've heard that big bird has hoops that make up his shape, but what kind of hoops? What kind of fabric should I use?
Jun 16, 2009
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First off I love your wolf puppet, it looks pretty cool. But I did see that video. The bird looks good, but I want something with more of a width in his waist(like big bird, bear in the big blue house, etc). But it is good though for a first time full body puppet.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2003
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As with all puppet-making materials, there are no hard and fast rules.This is why you are not likely to find a ready-made step-by-step guide to what you seek.

I have seen contouring hoops made of everything from rattan to nylon tubing to thin wire. I've also seen elaborate under-costumes with wedges of foam rubber used to fill out a character's shape. The design (i.e. shape) of the character will steer most of the decision of which material to use.

The common denominator is to find something that is strong but lightweight. If it is easy to work with, so much the better.

Good luck!
Jun 16, 2009
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I've never heard of a hoop made of rattan, it seems not to be as lightweight as tubing or nylon. I may use foam rubber. I have realized that there sre very few fast/hard rules about this sort of topic, but I will find something that is lightweight to support the character. Thanks!