How long do the Minstrels stay in the places they visit?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Do Cantus and the Minstrels leave immediately after they've served their purpose, or do they stay for a few days? What if one of them got sick or injured?

This thought came up while I was playing with a fanfiction idea. I realized I'd need something to happen that would leave the Minstrels stranded in Fraggle Rock for longer than they'd normally stay. WDYGT?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Hm. Considering they only show up once in a blue moon (and with Cantus, sometimes literally, LOL), I suspect they don't really hang around much after the point's been made. Remember when Mokey wanted to join? They pretty much visited, took her on, left, tested her, returned, left again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Cantus stated that they travel around, uniting the Rock with music. The troupe includes beings from at least three different colonies, probably four, as Brio and Cantus look like different subspecies of Fraggle. The first time we saw Cantus was on his first visit to the colony that we know. He has also stated, when asked if there are only five minstrels, "As far as I know, and I know pretty far."

All that implies pretty strongly to me that this little band of minstrels travels through a very wide, varied territory, and visits as many colonies of sapients as it can so as to spread enlightenment. It doesn't seem likely that they stay in one place very often. Considering that several times Cantus has appeared without the other Minstrels showed that he will travel alone, even in the dead of winter, so perhaps the others sometimes take a vacation with their loved one.

I can think of a number of circumstances that might cause the minstrels to stay in one place for a while. If one became sick or injured, I can't see the others just leaving him or her behind; it's not like they've printed up tour schedules. External dangers might make it unsafe to leave, for example a plague of strangleweed or a population explosion among Rock Clingers. Or their mission might require them to stick around for a while--say, if some particular Fraggle needs to find her song or Cantus has some other point to hammer through.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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It's hard to say but everyone knows that Cantus appered in one episode fir per seanson and the other minstrels is that I'm not quite sure but I don't know how long they stayed ether.