How are Catholic RE directors allowed to marry?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2003
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I am aware that the celibacy rule in the Catholic church applies to nuns as well as priests, but I know some Catholic religious education directors who are married with children. How does a religious education director differ from a nun that unlike nuns, religious education directors in the Catholic church are allowed to be married and have children?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Because, a religous education director is generally NOT a nun. There are some nuns who are religous education directors, but not all of them are. There is no requirement that a person has to be a consecrated religous, (nun, preist, or Brother), in fact there are many lay people who take jobs in the Church, such as youth ministers, or religous education directors. If the RED is married, then they are not a member of the consecrated religious. Nuns, preists, and Brothers take a vow of celibacy, but that is not required of all who work in the Chrurch. As I have said, there are also many lay positions. There are also deacons in the Catholic Church. A deacon is different from the preist, they are meant to help the preist, and are generally already married men. A man must marry before he becomes a deacon; he will not be allowed to marry after he becomes a deacon, nor can he remarry if his wife passes away. A deacon, obviously, makes now vow of celibacy to God, unless he isn't married. In any case, to answer your question once again, the DRE can get married if they are not a celibate preist or nun, if you know a DRE who is getting married, then they are not a preist or nun, and, not all people who work in the Catholic Church are preists or nuns, or Brothers.
There's your Catechism for the day. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2003
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What is the difference between a religious education director and a nun?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2003
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What determines whether a Catholic Church will have religious education directors or have nuns?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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A religious ed instructor and a nun are two completely different things. A nun takes vows of celebacy and simplicity. They live a life of service. This service COULD include taking a position within the church such as director of religious ed, but as mentioned in previous posts, not always. Most jobs within the catholic church are held by lay people. Take for example myself. I am a youth minister but I am NOT a nun and have NO plans to become one. Any lay person can be a director of religous education or a religious education instructor. In fact, most religious ed instructors are volunteers from the church who receive a minimal amount of training to basically teach a class. So, I hope this clears things up a little for you, that nuns and religious ed instructors are two completely different things. If anyone else can answer this better, go for it.