Home, Sweet Home!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well, my dad and I spent a vast majority of the day moving what furniture we could out of storage into the house... and it all had must have been sitting in there for a long time, because everything was covered in dust and cobwebs, and we found the skeletal remains of a mouse in my mom's dresser (of course we didn't tell her, she'd freak out).

This may sound selfish, but I'm happy to say most of my furniture is already put up, I'm just lacking my desk at the moment, but we'll get that tomorrow when my dad and I get what's left in storage (which is really only that, a spare fridge my mom has, the couch, and our piano).

Yep, the little abode is slowly taking shape!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Yay, Snowthy!

Eeeeeesh about the mouse.... icky. *shudder*

I'll bet you were glad to start getting the furniture outta there! And how awesome that you've almost got it all out now. I'll bet your place is lookin' great!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Yay, Snowthy!
Yay, Skyey!

Skye said:
Eeeeeesh about the mouse.... icky. *shudder*
Tell me about it, my dad was actually convinced it was a lizard (all that was left was half a pelvis, a leg with a hand, and what looked like a tail), but when I examined it hard enough, that "tail bone" looked more like a spine, and the way the leg bones were, it looked like a rodent's leg, so I'm pretty sure it was a field mouse or something.

Skye said:
I'll bet you were glad to start getting the furniture outta there! And how awesome that you've almost got it all out now. I'll bet your place is lookin' great!
Oh yeah!