Why does everybody keep saying, "Dude! You're gonna be, like, so famous one day!"? Lol, I HIGHLY doubt that, people like Jim, and the Kroffts, and all those other people already made puppetry famous, I'm just doing my own thing, I'm sure I won't be anything other than obscure, lol. But I certainly don't want to go to Hollywood, I love this town too much, and if at all possible, I'm staying right here.I can just picture you being spotted by some famous producer, and then you can go to Hollywood.I dream to much.
Yes, Steve was pretty much inspired by that particular AM monster... like how that one writer took a liking to that red monster in the background and he later became Elmo. Long story short, when I was much younger, and I REALLY had my head in the clouds (moreso than now), I really did want to join the Muppets and work on SST, and I thought perhaps this purple monster could be a new character (I recall he would've been friends with Grover). At one point, just to try my hand at puppet building, I started building my own version of the character, just to at least have a puppet to play around with, then I later got appointed to be a substitute puppeteer for our upcoming PBS pledge drive since our usual puppeteer was unavailable, Steve was the only puppet I had, so I used him, the guys at PBS liked him and that's how he was born.*double post* Sorry
I was watching the "Frazzle" video and saw this guy:
Steve D' Monster, much?
Matter of fact, one of my PBS colleagues (who has contributed quite a bit of input to my work) is pretty much responsible for Steve being such a big ladies' monster: somehow, he saw something potentially funny in Steve trying to flirt with different women, and I guess it paid off, since to this day, Steve's fanbase is more female than male, lol.
I will say this though: Steve is the ONLY puppet character of mine whose design was inspired by another already-existing puppet somewhat (there are a few differences between Steve and the AM Frazzletone), all other characters are completely designed 100% by me. And no, before anybody points it out, Easter Egg was NOT inspired by Jeanette of The Chipettes.