Yeah it's been all over our news. They even used the "Skycopter" to follow the police van taking the guy away through the streets of London. Possibly a bit over the top that. I am in two minds about it - on the one side this guy is giving terrorists some great ideas and costing taxpayers a lot of money, how is that making him look like a responsible father? On the other, these people have apparently exhausted all legal channels before resulting to this. This was the same group who threw purple powder over Tony Blair in the house of commons, which to me overstepped the mark as there were definite terrosist connotations to the use of powder etc. This is a little more palletable in my book.
Oh yeah, i was pleased to see the guy chose the vintage Adam West suit over the more updated look, although his accomplice Robin (who didnt make it up there) used the film costume. You'd have thought they would have co-ordinated or something really !