Holiday Kermit and Invisible Beaker Giveaway


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2002
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The title says it all :smile:

I've decided I no longer want to try to collect Industry Giveaway figures, so I am parting with these two.

Here is what will happen:

I will give away, completely free of charge, both my Invisible Beaker and Holiday Kermit. I realize Holiday Kermy was $20.00 in the Palisades Lotto, but I'm just feeling a little generous (and dont want to hassle with the transaction). Both figures are no longer in their bags, and the packaging is long gone.

There is a catch though! I want these both to go to true Muppet fans, collectors who love their Muppets and collect them out of a desire to enjoy them. In other words, I dont want to find out the figures I gave away ended up on Ebay. Also, you can not already own either of these figures. That is, if you own both, you are not eligible for either, if you own Kermit you are eligible for Beaker, and vice versa.

Obviously, you could easily lie and I would be none the wiser, so I'm hoping my final rule will thin out those who would potentially try to profit from this giveaway.

The Final Rule!

You must be nominated by another forum member, and this forum member must give a short (or long if you prefer) reply on why this person would deserve the figure. So when you nominate a person, make sure they don't already have it! These nominations will be in the form of a reply in this thread (I can only imagine how many emails I would get over this).

The deadline is Friday, February 28th at 11:59 PM. I will then go through this thread and choose a winner for the Holiday Kermit and the Beaker (or both if I find an absolutely compelling nomination).

If there are no questions, let the nominations begin! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I nominate Count. Always helpful and generous, very enthusiastic, a real fan of the figures and I do believe he has neither.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Oh Jeez you can't beat an endorsment like that. Just give them to count right now. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2002
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Originally posted by WiGgY
Oh Jeez you can't beat an endorsment like that. Just give them to count right now. :big_grin:
I will probably have someone else choose, who does not frequent the board; that way, they wont be influenced by who nominated them, over why they were nominated


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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BigDumbWookiee, just wanted to say what a great idea you had. The world needs more people like you who are willing to reach out to others without any desire of getting anything in return.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I would like to second Ken's nomination of 'The Count Von Count' - my other co-nominee would have been Zack who's recently lost a pet but i believe he has both figures, so just Count it is :-

The Count has been a member for quite a while now and has always been friendly, kind and in good spirits. He has given lots of opinions, ideas and enthusiasm for the figure line. He has been quick to help others locate figures and playsets they can't find so they don't miss out if not able to find things. He has also recently undertaken the massive task of collating all the ideas for series 7 and beyond into a table for Ken, which would be a mammoth thing for any of us to do, but when you consider he has visual difficulties and uses a screen writer to hear the words it's positively exemplary and above and beyond the call of duty to volunteer and it'd be nice if he was rewarded in a nice way like this !


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
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I would like to nominate Sarah. She has always been very enthusiastic and willing to help out where needed. I have not had any personal contact with her, but just get a general genuine vibe from her. She is always posting and making commments where needed. Also, she has been trying really hard to win the Cake contest this month. Almost every time I am on, she is there as well. I know other members also have seen her posts and are rooting for her in the cake contest. I am unsure if she has either one of the figures, but my guess is that she doesn't. I think even one of these figures would be a great reward for a person that has always greeted people and posts with love, friendship, and kindness. My vote is for Sarah, a great person and an asset to Muppet Central.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2002
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Originally posted by daniel0son
My vote is for Sarah, a great person and an asset to Muppet Central.
sorry, daniel0son not to steal your thunder or anything but i would just like to second this nomination. sarah is a great person from what little contact i've had with her. everyone seems to know her and is always posting encouragement for her, even if she isn't on! also, recently i read in one of her post that she doesn't even live near a mall, so i'm not sure how many of the normal figures she has. i haven't been posting for very long but sarah is one of the few who has taken the time to reply to some of my posts. GO SARAH! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I nominate Ryan (Scooter). He definitely qualifies as a huge Muppet fan and I can't imagine he'd ever sell either figure. I don't know if he has either figure, but I'm sure he'll tell us if he isn't eligible. Ryan has been an active part of the Muppet fan community for a long time-- particularly given his age. How many 15 year olds have sent demo tapes to Kevin Clash? This is a pretty special Muppet fan.

But the reason I think Ryan should get one of these figures (personally, I'd like to see them go to different owners-- spread the joy) is not because he's a huge Muppet fan but because he is such a generous, good-hearted person. He always has a kind word. He is quick to offer assistance-- with Muppet related stuff and non-Muppet stuff. He's just a genuinely good person.

Besides, when he becomes a Muppeteer we'll want to him to remember us :wink: