Hi honeys I'm hooommmmeee!............


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Sorry Sam...*hides head in shame*/*burries head in hot water bottle to remove pain from being tripped*
Awww...I didn't mean to sound like this guy:attitude: .
Anyway,gang,I'll need to wait a few days to post about my trip.I'm still on European Time & am really tired.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Glad to see your back safe and sound and had a good time!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Thanks so much for waiting to hear about my trip,everyone.:smile:

Day 1:It took 9 hours to fly from here to Barcelona. Talk
about a long flight!After leaving the airport,we tried to find our hotel that we´d be staying in for 1 night.(We were leaving for the cruise the next day) Let me just say it took 2 buses and 1 taxi driver to find the place!4 WHOLE STINKIN HOURS!:rolleyes: In the midst of all this my mom lost something that she swears was on one of the taxis :eek: .The guy was really rude about it,and unfortunately didn´t speak any English.(Well,OK...this IS Spain,but you´d think SOME taxi drivers would speak English,right?Ed...or anyone that speaks fluent Spanish,I could have used you here)

Day 2:Left Spain and got on the ship.It was beautiful! We went to a buffet before going to our stateroom (Our luggage had to be brought there first) All the employees in the buffet were smiling & friendly. My mom ,sister & I were glad to get up to the stateroom.
That night:The CASINO! *excited!* : Won a little.Just enough to keep me satisfied.

Day 3: France Required a lot of walking around (something I can't do) plus a building that had steep steps in one building (which I also can't do. But that was okay. The view from my stateroom was tres magnifique! (Wish I'd brought a camera)
More gambling that night.LOST! Booooooooo............!
Let's just say that due to foot problems,I didn't go off the ship the whole time. You'd think I didn't have a good time.But I actually did! *Kermie smilie* I went to the casino every night (won a pretty big amount one night!) Went to some trivia games ( won a Royal Carribean cap at one,two pens @ two others & a sort of wallet thing at another) Plus I got to shop! I got 2 T shirts and a bracelet.
Saw an ice show on the ship.It was beautiful!
Now...one final thing.From Day 1 on,there was a guy that worked greeting people where the buffet was.He was such a sweet guy & always took the time out to talk to me!*BIG SMILEY ICON HERE!* We often talked for around 5 or 10 minutes each time. So now you might be thinking "Ooh!Kathy found herself a catch!" Sorry everyone ,I'm out of luck.He's taken. He introduced me to his boyfriend
(Please note...I have nothing against gay people.I was just surprised that's all & thought I'd found a guy for myself) But anyway...this guy was super sweet and told me he'd miss me.
Everyone now:Awwwwww!
So that's how my cruise went.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Really glad it went well for you and that you did have fun, Kathy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Really glad it went well for you and that you did have fun, Kathy.
Thanks William!
I forgot something when I was posting about my cruise earlier:
1) One of the channels on TV was based on one of the networks over here (CBS) So on a "Morning Show" segment,they had interviewed Carroll Spinney, Fran Brill & Kevin Clash! I thought of everyone here when I saw it
2)One of the trivia questions that we had was to name our captain's full name.His first name was Frank,and he was Scandavian.So the guy that I was paired up with on a team joked "Derskerderborgenborkbork...like the Swedish Chef!" I started cracking up! :smile: (Obviously the last name wasn't Der...well,you know,but it was funny!) The captain had a different last name needless to say


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aw, yay! Despite a bit of a rough start, I'm so glad you had a great time, Kathy! It sounds so wonderful! :smile:

Hehe, and what adorable MC reminders you had, too! :wink: That is very cool!

Thank you for sharing your fun trip with us!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I'm so pleased that you had a fun trip Kathy. Give or take an occasional teeny little misfortune. :smile: