My Muppet, Zoot, would be wearing the outfit he wears in The Muppet Movie. Or the outfit that the Palisades Zoot action figure wears. Or... well, let's just leave it at that I want him to be wearing that one tan shirt. He could be wearing a grass skirt underneath for all I care, as long as he has the shirt, the hat, and the sunglasses.
And moi? I am a 16 yr old girl, slim, 5 feet 5 inches. My eyes are grey/blue/green and have dark circles underneath them, and I have long thick eyelashes. My eyebrows are thick- they're not bushy, they're just thick and dark. My nose... is not small. Enough said. I have pale skin. And my hair? Well, I don't feel like figuring out how to describe how it is at the moment, so I'll describe how I plan to make my hair look in the near future. That way, when I do change my hair, it will match the pic. My hair'll be long (past my shoulders) black and straight.
As the clothes, I'm not so picky. Just put me in a black t-shirt (preferably w/ some smart-aleck remark on it), black pants, and any ol' black shoes, and I'll be happy.
Lemme know if I've left anything major out.