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Hensonville City 2010

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Liza: *is hugged* Hay, hay, Bacon Bits! :3

Gonzo: *blinks, continues doing the ghost voice* YEEEES? WHAT DO YOU WAAAANT?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Me: Hey guys! I'm starting to watch new season of Seasme Street.

Marlon Fraggle: *zips in* Thisss'll be great. *laughs*

Homer Honker: Honk honk honk honk honk! (Maybe i'll see some of my friends!)

Me: Maybe Homer.

Oscar: *pops up* What are ya'll doing?

Me: Watching Sesame Street.

Oscar: Oh yea. Forgot that was starting today. Kinda wished you wouldn't have told me.

Me: Why not?

Oscar: Grouches don't care about that place. It's yucky.

Me: But you live there.

Marlon Fraggle: Hush! Trying to watch. That little red fellow it pretty cute.

Oscar: Oh brother. *groans*

Me: You don't have to watch Oscar.

Oscar: I don't care to watch it but i was there for the filming of it. But it doesn't matter. I lived it. *walks back outside*

Me: He'll be back. *gets back to the show* What's going on?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Morning,Chef!taking a Fruit 2-O out of the fridge
Chef:Hellu Kethy!Whut's nu?
New York,New Jersey...New Hampsh...
Chefrolling eyesEef I wunted wise creks I'd huv muved in with Fozzie Bear.
I'm sorry. taking a sip of my drink Listen..what time is your Chef's meeting tonight?
Chef:Ermm..9. Why?
Well Robin's leaving for the swamp after school tomorrow and we didn't get a chance to go bowling on Sunday.So since Grover's working now,the girls have the day off from Fran's,I was thinking that after Robin gets home from school we could go bowling.
Chef:Ooh! Gud idea!
Thanks! I talked to the girls and Grover about it last night & they thought it was a wonderful idea. Sorry I didn't approach you with it too.
Chef:Thet's OK. Deed yu tell der teensie hoppity hop hop?
No..I didn't want to get him all excited and not able to do his school work today.
Chef:Good theenking!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Liza: *in her room* BWAHAHAHAHA! XD

Johnny: *sticks his head in* What was that all about? :confused:

Liza: Somewhere, Lefty just got hurt. :B

Johnny: ...Heh heh heh. c:

Liza: Get me one of your mama's canolis.

Johnny: D: But those are for m-

Liza: >:I CANOLI.

Johnny: ;A;

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Hoisting a large object up to Room #6...

Hey Chef! Here's the cannon to help you fire off all the meatballs at those spem buts. Oh, and don't forget the tennis racket to lob the extra bincy-bouncy explosive ones. We gotta stick together when it comes to battling all those sicko spem buts. LMK if you need any help buddy.
*Goes off to have some cereal with fruits for breakfast before sitting down to another SST Season 41 episode next to the comp to jot down the review to be posted immediately after.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*Hoisting a large object up to Room #6...

Hey Chef! Here's the cannon to help you fire off all the meatballs at those spem buts. Oh, and don't forget the tennis racket to lob the extra bincy-bouncy explosive ones. We gotta stick together when it comes to battling all those sicko spem buts. LMK if you need any help buddy.
Cheftaking the racket and cannon Thanks Ed!I need dese!Fire one!he sets off a meatball and it goes off ricocheting around the table hitting Robin,Grover,Prairie Rosita and me in the heads.
Good grief...we sound like the Muppaphones,:rolleyes: Bad aim,Chef!
'S okay.rubbing my head So Robin?All packed to go to the swamp?
Robin: I guess.I'll miss you guys though.
We'll miss you too .But you'll be back before you know it!You'll have a lot of fun there! You'll see your parents,your aunts and uncles, your 75 cousins.If I'm not wrong,number 76 is supposed to be hatched while you're there.That's exciting!
Grover:Oh boy!You will have to tell us about that!
Prairie:And you'll have to tell us if it's a girl or boy.
Rosita:And its' name too.
Chef: A littul teensie weensie hoppity hop hop?Awwwww.
Robin:I'll take pictures;don't worry. Oh yeah..almost forgot! I wanted to show everyone at the swamp what you guys look like. I need to take pictures.going to his backpack and digging out his camera Prairie..you first.
Uh wait,Robin..don't take that picture yet. You'll need film for your camera.How about a picture of ,say,Prairie and Rosita together?
Robin:Oh I have lots of film for my camera Kathy. A Frog Scout is always prepared!
Gotcha.OK Prairie. Do what the man says. Strike a pose!
Robin snaps pictures of everyone (including me)
Robin:Just one more. Kathy,c'mere. Can someone take a picture of Kathy and me together?
Chef: I'll do it.
Robin hops on my lap Say fly guts!
(Ewww!)laughing Fly guts!and Chef snaps the picture
Robin whispers in my ear Love you, Mom Kathy ,pecks me on the cheek and hops down
there's a knock at the door (Cameo Appearance By Kermit The Frog)
I get it..Hiya Kermit!
Kermit:Hi Kathy! Good to see you! Hi everyone!
Robin: Hi Uncle Kermit!
Kermit:Hello Robin!hugging his nephew How do you like living here?
Robin:Oh..I love it!
Kermit:No more prank calls to any stores I hope.
Kermit looks at me to make sure Robin's telling the truth
He's being honest.
Kermit pats his nephew on the head Good boy
Chef:Kurmit..wuld yu like sum koffee?
Kermit: Thanks Chef. But Robin and I have to get hopping..er...going
Robin:Well..I'll see you guys on Sunday.
Prairiehugs Robin:See you in a few days.Have fun!
Rositahugging Robin Have fun with sus primos.I mean your cousins
Grover:hugging RobinRemember about not whacking other froggies on the back when you see them.
Kermit:Grover!You taught him that?
Grover:Well he is not going to do it anymore.
Chefhugging Robin:Hey...none uv my kooking fur 4 days,ritelaughing a bitBe a gud teensie hoppity hop hop
Me giving Robin a BIG hug I love you,green stuff. See you in a few days,all right?And let your family know what a good bowler you are!
Robin:Love you too,human mom.brushing a tear from my cheek4 more sleeps til I come back
Right. 4 more sleeps.
Kermit:Go ahead to the car,Robin...I'll be right there.
Robin does as he's told and Kermit squeezes my hand
Kermit:You really are very good to him. If I could,I'd lie and tell his folks that he didn't want to come. But that'd stir up a whole hornets' nest,you know?
nodding I understand.It's important for him to see his parents.
Kermit:Right. You gonna be okay?
Uh huh.
Kermit:Okay. See you in a couple of days and he leaves


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Johnny: Ciao, everybody. :wink: I have arrived.




Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Chefpeeking into my room Kethy?Yu sleeping?
Hi Chef...no..just watching TV.
Chef:I fiksed egg salid yoor fafurite way.With mayneese salt peppur an a littul bit uv relish.
Thanks. getting up,stretching and turning off the TV.As I go into the kitchen I stop look in Robin's room and sigh.Sure looks empty.
Prairiesitting at the table and eating a tuna sandwich Hi Kath. 2 more days!
Yep..2 more days.
Rosita partaking in a BLT I hope he's having fun.But it will be good to have him home again.
Yeah..it will.I miss that little guy.
Grover: Yeah...I think we all do.He is so cute and adorable...in a little boy froggie sort of way
laughing Yeah.
Prairie: How about we all go to Starbucks after lunch?You too Chef. I'll treat .
Chef:Thenks Prairie>But I gotta fiks der dinner.Tanite we heffing Svedish meatballs.An fur dezert angel fud ceke wiff strawburries an wipped creme!
Do we need to have our tennis rackets ready in case some meatballs go flying?
CheflaughingNo..I theenk we be safe this time.Gu hef fun. But try tu be bek by 5 OK?
Yes Dad..uh...Chef.
Chef: Dad huh? putting hands on hips and stern voiceStop playin yoor music su lowd.I can't heer myzelf theenk! Kleen yoor rum. It's a peegsty!
Cheese and rice Chef, My father wasn't that bad!
Chef is laughing and playing it up big timeUnd dun't talk bak tu me Kathleen!.Gruver,I saw thuse magazeens unner yore bed.Get rid uv them!Ruzeta...stop wearing su much makeup! Prairie,luk et this celfone bill yu ran up!Hu were yu calling?Der Moon?
All of us are doubled over laughing
Chef: Ok..dat's enuf uv dat..WHEW! Gu enjoy yur Starbucks.An OK yu can bring me bak a biggie iced tea with three sugers
Prairie:Biggie iced tea with three sugars. Gotcha.Later!
See ya Chef!
Rosita:Bye Chef!
Grover:Bye Chef!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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MMmm Everything was delicious,Chef! I didn't even have to chase those Swedish meatballs all over the plate!laughing
Chef: Ooh gud!I wuz hoping yu didn't have to.
Prairie:That angel food cake with the strawberries and whipped cream was tasty too!Boy am I stuffed!
Grover:Me too!Burp! Ooh!Excuse me!
Rosita:That's OK. Could have been a stinker and come out the other end!
Rosita! but all of us laugh Hey Chef...Lefty was trying to sell yogurt downtown. Only he was dressed up to look like he was Italian and he called his yogurt Leftavia.
Chef:Hoo boy. I dun't trust dat Lefty guy.Yu guys dint buy hiz yugurt did yu?
No way! The guy normally tries selling things for a nickel. Letters of the alphabet,invisible things,bottles of air.
Prairie:stick_out_tongue:lus his so called Leftavia has the same effect on people that prunes do.
Chef:Oh?Whut's dat?then thinking a minute :eek: Ooohhhh! Det's terrabul! Watch der teensie hoppity..er..nevur mind.I dunt want tu meke yu cry Kethy. I'm sorree.
No..it's OK Chef..I know what you were going to say. Watch Robin...or..the teensie hoppity hop hop hop to you:wink: ..when it comes to Lefty.Don't worry. Robin knows.Kermit's told him & the rest of us have told him. He even got a notice in school. So all bases are covered.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Goes to ask for some new Halloween MUP3's.
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