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Hensonville City 2010

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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hearing splashing coming from the pool as I return to my apartment building Ooh..sounds like everyone's at the pool!Think I'll join them!
Then I see a note on the table:
Hi Kathy!
Welcome back!All of us are out at the pool. It's really hot out (I guess you noticed!) So get your suit on & join us ,OK?

So I get my swimsuit on & join everyone at the pool. .Just then I hear Prairie shriek and a big SPLOOSH! So I go running. By the time I get there, she's laughing and on top of Grover's shoulders.Prairie,Grover Chef & Rosita are playing chicken & apparently Chef knocked Prairie into the water!
"OK ,Kath..." I tell myself..."calm down...No one was hurt..."
Grover:Hello Kathy! How was your trip?"
Fine thanks,Grover.Listen...can you four play "Chicken" in the deeper end of the pool please? I know you're having fun. But I don't want anyone cracking their skulls open in the shallow end of the pool.
Prairie:You coming in,Kath?
Yeah..in a few. I don't play "Chicken" though.
Chef:Yoo doont?Pardee poopur!
Hey!I'm not a party pooper! hands on my hips I'm just not quick enough
Chef:Ooh..Okee.Murco Poloo?
Now that I play! Just let me get wet first.
Rositajumping up and downYay!
after getting myself wet Now...no feeling on the chest, Chef and Grover.
Chef:Oh durn.:wink:
Chef!I glare at him
Chef:Onlee keeding Keth.
And remember..no getting out of the pool.otherwise if you are, and we hear you you're a fish out of water & you're automatically it! Ready?
I'll go first.diving underwater and then surfacing Marco!
Polo !


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (wakes up finally, looking like a zombie, goes and fixes some breakfast)

Pearl: How ya doin', sugah?

Kelly (mumbles): Mumblemumbledangall-nightpartiersmumblemumble.

Pearl: Whoo-boy, did those folks stay up late! They musta had a great ol' time!

Kelly (groans): Not only that, but I had some strange dream about Toy Story. (OOC: I really did -- now I know whom to blame, LOL)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Finishes taking inventory of all the haunters amassed so far. Ah, now that's a beautiful thing. *Gestures to the Count's tableau, arranged at the moment into four perfect side-by-side squares of a hundred haunters each on the top half, mirrored by another four below that for a total of 800.
*Count plays Eight Beautiful Notes on his batty organ.
UD: Mmm, so that explains why it's been storming outside today. Just as well, I enjoy a breezy muggy mist.
Me: Yeah... But now that's it over let's get either to the pool or some place cool.
*All exit.

OOC: This might be my last lengthy post for a while guys. Typing's a bit hard at the moment since I'm trying not to burst the bubble on my burnt right index finger. The burn happened last night at that group I've going to with my brother, hextremely hot cordonbleu croquette filling. It's okay for now, the burn and pain have gone away, but like I said, it's a bit tough typing this way. Hope this is okay with you guys, if you want to use my roomies in general fun-having while I'm out, go ahead, I'll probably post minimally for the rest of the week or so.

Thanks and have a good weekend everyboddeeeee!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Meh, forget it. *Goes to watch some wrestling with the guys over at Bobo's house.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Pearl (looking around): Now, where did those young'uns run off to? They been wound up tightah than a penny-pinchin' Scottish duck. *spots Spike* Hon, you see where them dogs went?

Spike: O_O

Pearl (concerned): What's wrong, sugah?

Spike: Kell's in da office ... EDUCATIN' dem. *shudders*

Pearl (laughs): I reckon they sure did make her hottah than sun's blistah! What she doin'?

Spike: She's ... giving dem a time out.

Pearl: -_- A time-out? That's IT?

Spike (shudders): Eatin' da heads off o' kids, I unnerstand. Some strong words an' a sit-down in a quiet room ... now DAT'S harsh.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Me: *in the kitchen, humming and cooking*

Oscar: *pops up behind the counter* So, what's for dinner?

Hey Oscar. Hot dogs.

Oscar: Mmmmmmm with a little sardines and grape jelly that sounds like good eaten.

Me: Not for me. You know us people don't like that unless your my neice. She eats some of the weirdest stuff.

Oscar: Like what?

Me: Well she loves mayo with ketchup and cheese sandwich. Yuck! I also had a friend who would eat mayo with pickels, ketchup and cheese sandwich.

Oscar: Kids taking after my own heart. That sounds yucky. I might just have that. Do you need any sardines or swamp mushy muddy sauce?

Me: *gags* Noooo thanks Oscar. We'll do just fine with our chilli, cheese or mustard or ketchup. Thanks any ways.

Oscar: Never say thank you to a grouch! *groans as he walks away*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Is somewhat restlessly bored... *Turns on radio station... *Decides to hop into personal bat-glider and go on the Cannibal Run, the scariest deadliest weirdest racecourse in the Underworld. Maybe I'll swipe Horror's Hand as a souvenir trophy if I wanna.
Till ater peoples. *Dives into the underground bunker and zips off on an adventure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (watching Linkara's History of the Power Rangers on her tv): O_O

Spike: How can you even like dat stuff?

Kelly: I don't. It's super campy and pathetic, but the way Linkara reviews it, he makes it sound like a very deep and compelling, if campy and silly, soap opera. That makes it AWESOME. Besides, you know I'm a sucker for the whole robot-human combo deal. *sighs* I find it romantic to think a sweet guy would do something nice for somebody and then get his butt handed to him by some ungrateful little snot and he has to live with his humanity destroyed, all the while plotting revenge.

Spike: ...

Kelly: What?

Spike: I t'ink, out o' ALL da chicks I ever met ... YOU'VE got da weirdest sense o' romance, toots.

Kelly (huggles him): Thank you!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Kelly (watching Linkara's History of the Power Rangers on her tv): O_O

Spike: How can you even like dat stuff?

Kelly: I don't. It's super campy and pathetic, but the way Linkara reviews it, he makes it sound like a very deep and compelling, if campy and silly, soap opera. That makes it AWESOME. Besides, you know I'm a sucker for the whole robot-human combo deal. *sighs* I find it romantic to think a sweet guy would do something nice for somebody and then get his butt handed to him by some ungrateful little snot and he has to live with his humanity destroyed, all the while plotting revenge.

Spike: ...

Kelly: What?

Spike: I t'ink, out o' ALL da chicks I ever met ... YOU'VE got da weirdest sense o' romance, toots.

Kelly (huggles him): Thank you!

Yeah... It was sorta soap operaish, especially with the whole Tommy/Kimberly/Catherine triangle in the first four years. The episode where he got Kimberly's letter was the closure needed for that arc.
Wait... Robot + humanity... Oh, are you talking about bad boy Dylan from RPM instead?
You should search for the Super Sentai counterparts at their Wiki... The story behind the counterpart to Jungle Fury was much richer in mythical context than the truncated US version. Then again, when they've perfected the formulaic presentation to be a 32-episode season, there's not much room for the fuller story.
*Ish a Power Rangers uberfan... Waiting for Samurai Rangers to be imported as USA Season 18.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Kelly (on the phone with Ed): Well, the newest episode from Linkara is about the Time Force season. I don't think I ever even watched where Zordon dies. I never got that far. What I'm thinking of is Frax's saga, where he started off as some human doctor, tries to help the mutant moron who becomes the season's villain, and then is nearly killed by said villain and makes himself into a weird long-necked golden robot who secretly harbors a desire to kill his, uh, almost-killer. Little jerkface certainly deserved it. Too bad he gets reprogrammed and dies. That's just really sad.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Talking to Kelly:
O-o... Zordon's death is one of the most important things from In Space. The acronym for that season )PRIS) kills the serious tone though. In fact, In Space was what saved the series future after the many criticisms following Turbo. It was the energy wave from Zordon's death that turned Zedd and Rita from evil to good, along with Divatox and Astronema (who was rully Korone, Andros's sister).

Oh, you mean Ransec. The sad thing is that that killer/villain then gets brought the following year in Wild Force during the team-up episodes, all turned into what we would think to be a more sympathetic character because he's concerned for his daughter's life/future.

Actually, everything from Lost Galaxy to Wild Force I'm kinda just picking up bits and pieces on the story behind it. If only they still aired PR Generations. But no, they had to get rid of it to make room for other stuff before they turned Toon Disney into Disney XD. Yecch.

But if you rully want a soapy story about a cyborg seeking his former human past self with a dab of broodingness to it, I rully think Dylan, the Black RPM Series Operator is more your style what with the lost twin sister who turns out to be one of the big bad boss enemy's generals (mindwashed into serving him of course).
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