Sure, Disney is gonna want to make money with Muppets, but put yourself in another's shoes
Let's say Henson bought Mickey. They would want to make a buck with the mouse, but if the mouse took off big time, they would say "wait a minute," that's enough. Focus on the frog.
"I would suggest you take your own advice before deciding that this is the end of the Muppet legacy. No one can say right now for sure how this will turn out"
Oh? Well how about Disney removing Jim Henson's name from Kermit forever? How is that for a start?
"this will only help the brand gain a new following and very likely produce some great new material."
LIKELY not. You take the Disney "spin" at face value. I stand with Steve Jobs, who walked away from Disney and said they are boring. And like people said before, what the heck new movies do you get with Mickey and the gang? Well?
But I want a big audience too. But a big audience of crap versus a small one of good stuff. That is the choice.
Muppets successful in dollars or quality? Which is more important?
If they don't make it big, they shrink anyways. What is the thing we are losing? We are losing greatness. Disney guys don't care. It's just a job to them, and people move on. Anybody makes 3 stupid movies and a cartoon show about "The Mighty Ducks" is making CRAP, not MAGIC.
Look, anybody can make a Muppet these days. All puppet characters in TV today look like Muppets, so it doesn't matter anymore. Disney's Muppets are just dead, empty shells that look like something we loved. They're just making more stupid kiddy stuff like everybody else. Face up to it.
So why am I upset? Because the only thing that makes the Muppets different is the magic, which is the intelligence and quality and artistry. I would love it if the Henson kids had a love of their own Dad's Muppets, but THEY DO NOT
We are all just NOT LUCKY that Jim's kids have not interest in the Muppets. Like I said about the HENSON BUILDING, the selling means they are SICK of it all and want OUT of puppets, and I PREDICTED RIGHT.
What can you or I do? Nothing.
The Henson kids wash their hands of Kermit, and they weren't great business people, and they have not much imagination or love of Muppets. They want to do other things in life. FINE! It is their RIGHT.
But what an UNLUCKY shame it is that they walk away and sell to a stupid kiddy video company.
Sure, maybe more success, more money, more exposure, but all they had was that special magic.
It is gone now. Muppets are just another kiddy video.
I wish it were different, that Jerry Juhl was still around, that Brian had a love for Muppets like Sophia Coppola likes to be in movies like her Dad, but...
...Brian doesn't want to make a career of Muppets... they are now DEAD.
You all want me to be happy about that?