Henson Regroups in the US

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Well, it's kinda nice that the Henson company's sorta going back to that "small time operations" deal they had going on when the Muppets were at their best...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Henson pulls strings, moves exex to prod'n
September 18, 2003 3:02pm
Daily Variety

LONDON --- The Jim Henson Co.'s two most senior U.K./European production execs, Martin Baker and Angus Fletcher, have been moved sideways to production deals with the company, which is cutting its operations.

Company described Wednesday's announcement as reflecting its continuing commitment to its U.K. operations.

The Henson family paid Germany's EM.TV $89 million to buy back the company last January.

Baker and Fletcher have played an integral role in the company's prolific film and television output over the past two decades. Most recently Baker was exec VP of production and Fletcher was president of Jim Henson Television --- Europe.

In his new role, Baker will be the company's primary contact for all U.K.-based film, television and theatrical projects. During his 24 years with the company, Baker has been involved in TV and film projects such as "The Muppet Show" and "Fraggle Rock" as well as "The Muppet Movie" and "The Dark Crystal," among others.

Jim Henson Pictures is producing two feature films in the U.K., "Five Children and It" and "MirrorMask," both for release next year.

Fletcher will co-produce a large slate of future projects that he initiated during his tenure at the company. A creator and producer, he is responsible for preschool programs including "Jim Henson's The Hoobs," "Jim Henson's Construction Site" and "Mopatop's Shop."

The company said the appointments are part of the restructuring of its global operations that will focus on its entrepreneurial and creative roots.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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well that says it all good report it is ver informent. i thought that was what they were doing .the light at the end of the tunnle is geting bigger by the day. the hensons are not as stupid as some of you may think they just need more time and money.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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dwayne1115 said:
the hensons are not as stupid as some of you may think they just need more time and money.
Duh. I don't know exactly what they're doing, but duh.


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
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Hi folks, this is my first post here, but i've been reading this site for quite some time, from a different perspective.

I was one of the 'redundancies' (don't you love that word?) from the NY Henson office. I was let go at the beginning of august, so all of my info is dated by a couple of months. i just want to say that the people who work for henson (yeah, the ones that made me redundant) are good people, and are all very good at what they do. The problem with the company is the direction going foward. It's no secret that Brian H. really never had a business plan (let's face it, he's a creative guy, not a businessman), and it's showing. Kermit can't just do wayne brady and hollywood squares forever.

I can't deny that I fear for the future of the Muppets. When i left, there were about 4 people left in licensing, to handle oh, more than 200 licenses, intl and domestic. When I was let go, I can honestly say i felt worse for the people that WEREN'T let go. Everybody knew they were going to have some LONG days ahead of them. Isabel Miller will keep the Muppets licensing program alive by any means necessary (she's very VERY good at what she does), as long as the Hensons don't make her redundant, and she doesn't retire in the near future (which is a possibility).

Matthew Webb is a **** of a good guy, by the way, and i truly wish him luck in his new endeavor.

And I wish the rest of the company luck as well. The muppets should be a fun place to work, and i hope one day it is again. Because it sure as **** hasn't been in quite a long time, a fact that no henson employee will deny. "We're all getting fired," was a running joke for a long, long time in the office. we all expected it about 2 years before it actually happened. not a fun environment to work in. but hey, that's business.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I'm sorry to hear that. Welcome to the forum!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Floyd23 said:
Matthew Webb is a **** of a good guy, by the way, and i truly wish him luck in his new endeavor.
I agree totally. Matthew and Angus were two crown jewels at Henson and i'm so pleased they will play a part in the future even if it is in a freelance kinda capacity. At least it keeps up the European side of operations in some small way which i actually felt was the one thing they were really doing right - keeping shows in production, building brands and licensing them successfullly. It must have given them a certain element of security when things weren't going great elsewhere. It's shame to hear what the situation is like in the NY offices though.

Sorry to hear you lost your job Floyd23. It's great to have you here giving insight from your point of view.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2002
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Floyd23 said:
Hi folks, this is my first post here, but i've been reading this site for quite some time, from a different perspective.

I was one of the 'redundancies' (don't you love that word?) from the NY Henson office. I was let go at the beginning of august, so all of my info is dated by a couple of months. i just want to say that the people who work for henson (yeah, the ones that made me redundant) are good people, and are all very good at what they do. The problem with the company is the direction going foward. It's no secret that Brian H. really never had a business plan (let's face it, he's a creative guy, not a businessman), and it's showing. Kermit can't just do wayne brady and hollywood squares forever.

I can't deny that I fear for the future of the Muppets. When i left, there were about 4 people left in licensing, to handle oh, more than 200 licenses, intl and domestic. When I was let go, I can honestly say i felt worse for the people that WEREN'T let go. Everybody knew they were going to have some LONG days ahead of them. Isabel Miller will keep the Muppets licensing program alive by any means necessary (she's very VERY good at what she does), as long as the Hensons don't make her redundant, and she doesn't retire in the near future (which is a possibility).

Matthew Webb is a **** of a good guy, by the way, and i truly wish him luck in his new endeavor.

And I wish the rest of the company luck as well. The muppets should be a fun place to work, and i hope one day it is again. Because it sure as **** hasn't been in quite a long time, a fact that no henson employee will deny. "We're all getting fired," was a running joke for a long, long time in the office. we all expected it about 2 years before it actually happened. not a fun environment to work in. but hey, that's business.
Sorry about your job man. I too fear for the state of the company and it's characters. You should post this at some of the other message boards as well, namely the Toughpigs fan forum (a link is at www.toughpigs.com), as well as the Palisadestoys Message boards (www.palisadestoys.com). there is a huge base of fans at both of these and I'm sure they'd appreciate what you have to say. Good luck and take care.