Help Identifying an SST Clip/Song

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I don't know why you care so much if he's a fan of the song or not. There's no crime in being obsessed with anything. (He is majorly obsessed, but I have no idea why you would open up this thread just to post about that.)

If you don't want to see his threads in the future, that's what the ignore button is for.


New Member
May 20, 2013
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Hello! I am a 70s kid and loved Sesame Street and the muppets as a kid. The main reason for joining this forum was to ask all you muppet experts for some help! I have a memory of a Sesame Strret clip and can not find reference to it ANYWHERE on the internet and it is driving me crazy. Does ANYONE else remember this clip? I would love to hear from anyone who remembers this so at least I know I am not crazy. Ok, it was 2 girls (maybe about 8 years old? ) on a bus travelling through the city. It is only them and the bus driver and they make at least one stop for ice cream, and maybe other stops. I remember some of the song lyrics that went with it. Daydream, on our very own bus, there's no one but the driver and us. Driving through the city, everything looks oh so pretty I just can't believe it's a dream...Let's stop and have some ice cream. Let's get back on our bus. We're really in a bit of a rush". ANYONE remember this???


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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You've even stumped me on this one. I can recall just about anything from the first decade or so, (anything past 1983 or so gets a little fuzzy).
This sounds vaguely familiar, but I'm afraid I can't remember anything more specific.

So I wouldn't call you crazy, and just because others can't remember this does not mean it doesn't exist.