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Healing power of songs


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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muppetsforever said:
I was never a very emotional person my whole life until i met Sam. Sam was the love of my life.... and the one person to break my heart.

When we first started dating, he had a little suprise for me. We were at his house and he wanted to dance with me to this CD he poped in. The room was dark and only the light of the moon spilling in from the window could be seen. It was as if wanted me to bare my soul to him. Well it must have worked cuz half way through the song i was just in tears. i didn't know why. i still dont really know why now. All i know is that some how that song made me feel that, for the first time, someone understood me. i didnt even understand myself. i felt happy, sad, confused and just a shaking from head to toe. After the song, he held me til we went to sleep. not many words were even spoken.

the song: I Know by Jude from the City of Angels soundtrak (#9 on the CD)

every time i play that song, i cry. only now it tears of heartache.

I recently burned a CD of nothing but gut renching, depressing, tear-jerking songs.

I went from a woman that was numb to the world, to a woman that could cry at the drop of a hat at anything (lol) i guess i got a lot of catching up to do from the lack of emotions as a child.

I'm not sure that I have a song that has helped me through things in my life, in a positve way....
if i think of any ill make another post :cry:

Oooooohhhhhh.... that is soooooo sweet! Brought a tear to my eye... so romantic :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2004
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well there was something else that made it even more magical, but i wasnt sure i could post it. even though it was in good taste.

ill post it now but if it gets taken off ill understand.

......... slow dancing nude to that song


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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muppetsforever said:
well there was something else that made it even more magical, but i wasnt sure i could post it. even though it was in good taste.

ill post it now but if it gets taken off ill understand.

......... slow dancing nude to that song
lol, that makes it even better
that just made your story 10X more romantic... awwww.... :flirt: (I feel like the little girls who you see listoning to like Cinderella, all in a daze after a love story)


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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oh oh, anoter song that has PERFECTLY fitted a time in my life (still does) is "Remember me this way" the song in casper (the live action one with christina reecie, or what ever) I have a friend, my best friend, whos Skizo, and its hard, and he thinks about suiside sometimes, and I cant always be there for him in the future (ill be married and moved away) and It scares me, and this song is perfect, I cry sometimes when I hear it, thinking of him. :cry: :flirt:
"Every now and then
We find a special friend
Who never lets us down
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall
You're the best friend that I've found
I know you can't stay
But part of you will never, ever go away
Your heart will stay

I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life will just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way "


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2004
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:embarrassed: :cry:
Positively amazing what love can do.

Nice to know that there's always someone out there who has written a song especially for you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Wow, music has mended all of my emotional wounds. Always, no matter how long it takes.. music has helped me through everything. It is the one thing that will NEVER abandon you.

Beethoven's fifth
Hawthorne heights- Ohio is for lovers. - how I felt at one time about my relationship with someone I love.

Wonderwall by Oasis- Helped me through a rough time.
Tommorow by total chaos- Showed me someone else feels the same way about the world as I do.

Their are a lot more, just would take me a long time to name them all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Princeton said:
Certain songs stir up certain emotions in people; Avril Lavigne's "My Happy Ending" helped me through a nasty relationship. Anyone have any stories to tell about which songs have helped you through tough times?
Princeton, that song did the same thing with me. Woah, dude, what a co-inkeedink. Or rather, the song came out a few months afterwards..really appropriately placed. See I was with a girl [that's right- Dan...with a girl] and she was just like the character Avril's singing about. And to this day, I still thnk of her when I hear the song.


DanDanStrawberry said:
And to this day, I still thnk of her when I hear the song.
Wow,Dan, that IS weird. Actually, the girl in question that I'm referring to might be vaguely familiar to y'all. Check out my thread "Here's my sob story" and learn of the 3 years of my life that was Becca. Let me tell you a story:

My junior year, I wanted to do something special for my birthday. After many alternatives, I ultimately decided to have a few friends from school join me at a Mexican retaurant. Becca wasn't entirely sure that she was coming, but nevertheless, I saved a seat for her anyway(right next to me). Also, I had heard My Happy Ending every time I rode in her car and months earlier I told her to burn my JUST that song. So, I finally get to her present: a burned copy of the ENTIRE Under My Skin album. Awed, I whispered "Becca, you shouldn't have". She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and replied "I know, but I did it anyway." Not only was that song a FLAWLESS overview of our relationship, but it became our song together.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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Lots of Christian hymns certainly do that for me. Like the classics "How Great Thou Art" and "It is well". And I love the classic Christian music this time of year, like "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas", "Silver Bells", "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", "Silent Night", "Away in a Manger", "Do you hear what I hear", "Walking in the Winter Wonderland", there's just so many of them. Ever since I was a small child of about 4, the 33 speed records of these playing in my living room in December would give me a real special and peaceful and happy feeling.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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Warning! If you don't like tear-jerkers, don't read this!

Ziffel said:
Lots of Christian hymns certainly do that for me. Like the classics "How Great Thou Art" and "It is well".
Music has always seemed to play a big part in the lives of me and my husband. "How Great Thou Art" and the song "Dance" especially played some important rolls when it came to the event of the birth of our first baby, William, a little over 4 years ago. He was born at the age of 23 weeks, and due to his prematurity, he wasn't expected to live long. But he was one heck of a fighter! After the respiratory therapists at the Newborn Intensive Care Unit got him breathing and on a respirator, we basically set up base camp there at the NICU for the next 5 months. We would spend nearly every day there at his little "cubical". Around that time, the song "Dance", sung by Leann Womack, became really popular. And its words seemed to describe our feelings and wishes for Will to a tee. We would often sing it to him before leaving at the end of the day.
The words said, "I hope you never loose your sense of wonder. You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger (for knowledge). May you never take one single breath for granted. God forbid, love ever leaves you empty handed. I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean. When ever one door closes, I hope one more opens. Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you Dance!! I hope you Dance!!!
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance. Never settle for the path of least resistance. Living life means taking chances, but their worth takin'. Lovin' might be (we always said "Lovin's never") a mistake, but it's worth makin'. Don't let some ****-bent heart leave you bitter. If you come close to sellin' out, re-concider! Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you Dance!! I hope you Dance!!!"
It described feelings and events in our lives since the day my husband and I first met. We had met at a dance, only because he had had the courage to ask one more person, (that being me) to dance, after receiving nothing but rejections all evening. And now we were hoping to give that same kind of courage to our little Will. He made it through amazingly big obsticals, including an eye surgery at 3 months which basically set him back to square one, and put him back on the respirators, which he had completely graduated from a week before the surgery took place. He was now back on full life support, where he would be for the next 72 hrs. At this point, at the request of the nurses and doctors there, and also because we could do nothing and would know nothing untill the 72 hrs had passed, we spent the next 3 days away from the hospital, and simply accepted the fact that what ever was God's will would be done. We drove into the mountains, where we could be alone, listened to Christian Hymns, did alot of crying and praying, and tried to come to grips with the possibility of what could happen, either way, when they would attempt to take him off the life support when we returned. One of the hymns we listened to most was "How Great Though Art", which had been my husbands favorite for a long time, and, after hearing him sing it up there in those hills, to the full potential that he could sing, it had become my favorite, as well. Needless to say, it had alot of meaning for both of us as we observed the majesty of all we could see around us that had been created by His hand. It was beautifull.
When we returned, we held our breath as they made the first attempt to remove the life support. And, to our amazement and elation, he was able to breath on his own! He still required oxygen, and still would even after the day we brought him home 2 month's later. The thing we didn't know was that, in having all those machines "breath" for him for so long, it was like a double- edged sword. The things that had been required to keep him alive, had also done irreversable damage to his lungs, due to the longevity of their use. His chest would "sink in" with every breath he took. And all the crying he always seemed to be doing, which I convinced myself was colic, was actually due to the immense pain he was feeling just by breathing. I didn't want to admitt it, but it would only be a matter of time before his lungs would give out completely. On the morning it finally happened, I had just given him his 4-o-clock feeding. I noticed that, rather than just go back to sleep, like he usually did, he seemed much more focused on looking at me. It was like he was studying my face and taking in every little detail in total facination. I remember looking at him and saying "Wow, little guy! You sure are awake and alert this morning! Well, as much as I would love to stay up with you, I can barely keep my own eyes open. Good night, Little Buddy." I layed him back down, and layed down myself on the couch that was only a few feet from his crib. The next thing I knew, the monitors that he was always hooked up to were going off like crazy, and I saw his heart rate falling steadily. I picked him up and, as I called 911, I tried to keep him going with the CPR they had drilled us on at the hospital before they sent him home. The ambulance took him to the E.R., and I phoned my husband, who had left for work only an hour before. He got there just as the doctors were telling me there was nothing more they could do. They simply couldn't get his heart to start up again. As they turned the life support off, we could feel his spirit still with us, and, as a way to say good-bye, my husband and I held each other and sang "How Great Thou Art" as we stood there, crying, in the E.R. The effect on everyone was amazing. Everyone fell silent and stood still untill we stopped, and when we did, I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole room. We also sang it at his funeral, 3 nights later.
So, needless to say that song has had great impact on our lives. As for "Dance", it wasn't untill a few weeks later as I heard it on the radio and reflected upon all these events, that something in the back of my mind made me realize: This song may have been sung by us for Will, but, in the end it was my husband and I, and anyone else who Wills life had happened to touch that it really was more appropriatly meant for. Today, I concider it Will's final message to all of us.