.....Can I tell yall about Bella?
Bella was a BEAUTIFUL golden retriever-labrador-German sheperd-Catahoula mix. She looked mostly like a golden retriever, with these beautiful big brown eyes!
John and I had been in Toronto for WYD all week when the family got her, and so we came home to find out we got a puppy! She was a 60-pound lap-dog, as the vet described her! She was an outside dog, but she would ALWAYS try and run in the house!
A few weeks after we got Bella, our cat had babies. Poor Tubbums, (that's her name, and no, I didn't name her), was NONE too happy with her "midwife", Bella! She had four kittens, and Bella absolutely ADORED those cats! She used to come and take a kitten with her to the porch at night, so she wouldn't be lonely!
I was never much of a dog person, (Rowlf excepted), but Bella just stole my heart! She used to drive me crazy, because I liked to work outside sometimes, and she used to come and try to eat my work! But I really loved her SOO dearly! She used to come and sit on the porch swing with me, and try to sit on my lap. (She got to be HUGE!) She would follow me everywhere I went, and I used to sit down on the ground and let her crawl into my lap, and she LOVED to give me "doggy kisses"!!! She TOTALLY won me over!!!
She was scared of all cars but ours. She used to "escort" our cars down the driveway. And that's how it happened. One day, my big sis was heading off to run errands. I heard the van suddenly stop, and the next thing I knew, she came in crying. Bella had been following my sister down the driveway and Bella cut across the feild next door, planning to come out behind the van. She ended up in front of the back tire. Christina never even saw her coming.....When she told me she'd hit Bella, I immediately responded that we should then take her to the vet, and I couldn't believe it when she told me it was too late. I had to help her load Bella into the trailer on the tractor.....I could barely see through my tears.
There was a chair on the porch that Bella loved to sit in; it was definitely HER chair. She used to sit in it and wait for me to come out so we could play...After it happened, I sat in her chair, holding her doggy chew-toy, and just SOBBED. I loved that dog. I STILL miss her. We only had her 8 months....It was SO unfair to lose her that fast!
Another loss happened just a couple weeks ago: I mentioned our four kittens....We named them after the hobbits in LOTR: Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pippin. Frodo was always the weakest out of the four, he was the runt, but VERY sweet. Two weeks ago, I went out to feed the cats and Frodo wasn't there. I called, but he didn't come. I figured he was still asleep, or exploring, so I didn't bother a/b it. Until James went outside and found him dead. We're still not sure how it happened. We think he might've choked himself on some wires that were near our house.....
Now for the bragging

Mainly a/b Pippin, our "cog", as I call him! Pippin was Bella's favorite, and I swear that cat thinks he's a dog! He sits in Bella's chair all the time, and sometimes joins me on the porch swing, and also follows me everywhere! It's like Bella had picked herself a successor or something.....
We've been thinking lately a/b getting a new dog. I hope we'll find one that's just
as incredible as Bella, but I doubt it. She was definitely one-of-a-kind.
Thanks for listening, yall.