This review is in "The Rest Of The Crap" section in the mag, where they showcase the worst of the recent video game releases. Here's the review of Muppets Party Cruise-
"Not being excessively fruity or elderly, I'm unfamiliar with what goes on during a party cruise. However, my girlfriend is both, and she says that this game is very faithful to standard cruise activities like launching puppets out of cannons. With so many minigames avaliable, there's a chance you won't even notice that none of them are fun. I feel the same way about minigames as I do about minirobots: You can almost ignore them on their own, but if you get too many of 'em together, they merge to form Borgon and then you can wave goodbye to what we call "uneaten babies".
Bottom Line: Switch to this party game if you and your friends thought Pokemon Jr. Scrabble was letting you keep too much of your dignity."
April 2004 Issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly.