And Raincoast prints on only ancient-forest friendly paper.
I'm still not done. I'm on chapter 22, I think. Slowly working through!! I've been reading most of the day...
Whoops, pressed enter before I meant to. But yup, I went to a Potter party yesterday! Did anyone go in costume? I went as Luna. I tied my hair up all messily, wore these hideous purple clear plastic grape earrings, a green beaded necklace (I didn't have time to make one out of corks), a multi-coloured tie hanging all loose with a shirt buttoned up improperly, a black plaid skirt with knee-high christmas socks, and a home-made issue of The Quibbler. I was a proper mess. ^_^ Oh, and a chopstick/wand behind my left ear. I should have taken pictures... a friend of mine went as Rosmerta the barmaid, another as McGonagall, and another as Tonks, and another as a Death Eater.