Happytime Murders...

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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So, I was actually starting to wonder if maybe I had jumped the gun a little too much in my posts. I realize that I often come off as brash, vain, what have you, and usually it's not my intention and merely just how I write. But this time I really started to think that I overdid it. I hadn't had a very good day when I made my initial post, and I was reading a lot of vanity - or so I thought - and in a thread which had no reason for existence. Really should have been in the official one. But then when Floyd started defending him I was really wondering if I had completely misread the entire thing. I was still sticking to my thoughts, mind you, but maybe I had misinterpreted Space Muppet's post. Maybe it was just a declaration of why he didn't want to watch the film. Maybe it wasn't as vain as I was initially reading.

Well, today he proved that I wasn't very far off in my initial estimations.

Dude, I was on-set with Chip on my hand... he knew who I was.
Okay, but you never said anywhere in your original post that you were Chip's puppeteer, all you said was that you were giving Brian a suggestion and he looked at you like you were from out of Mars. So forgive antsamthompson9 for not knowing what you didn't tell anyone right at the beginning.

Mind your own business.
You came onto this forum, you opened a pointless thread just to air your thoughts on the movie when you could have easily - EASILY - made the same post in the actual official thread instead. Yet you have the nerve to tell someone on a public forum to "mind their own business". If you didn't want people to discuss this and - horrors! - share their own thoughts on what you've said, then why in god's name did you post it here? You could have easily kept it to yourself or put it up on another webpage or whatever. But no, instead you put it on Muppet Central Forums, where people are free to their own opinion and free to express their own opinion. You expressed yours, great. Now let someone else express their opinion that this thread is pointless and should be deleted or closed. Personally I agree with Blue Frackle that we can just have this thread merged with the other one, but don't you deny that the thread itself has very little life in it because it was started just for you to air your negativity and if you've got nothing more to say and don't want others to discuss it with you then closing this will mean nothing to anybody. It's just a waste of space on an already thread-clustered board.

Blah, blah, blah.
I could have easily given you this same exact response, but guess what? I won't. I actually want to express why I think a certain way, even if it gets me ostracized from others, because then at least people can actually understand it. But instead of you defending your stance or explaining it further or what have you, you just gloss over the entire point of my post and then have to audacity to publicly post that you don't give a crap about whatever I've said. I consider that an offense, and I do not take those lightly. Tell me what you don't like about it or me to my face. Don't just give me this "blah, blah, blah" BS.

Exactly, my friend. Yadda, indeed...
Ah, so you admit it then? Guess my post wasn't a waste of words after all.

My beliefs are always right. (wink)
Guess what.... you're wrong. :wink:

Err... Huh?
This, my friend, is called "someone is defending you". Normally people say "thanks" or "yeah, [insert person] is right, I didn't mean whatever [insert person] was thinking I meant". Something to that effect. Instead, you just completely brush over Floyd giving you a good word and then say "huh" to them instead. Clearly then, you have no defenses or anything and my initial thoughts on you were rather accurate. All you're after is giving Brian Henson a bad name and laughing at him as his movie fails. Well bravo, sir, you magnificent genius!

Am I speaking to Gord Robertson, by the way? The guy who played Chip in Muppets From Space? 'Twas but a cameo, but I suppose it's enough to earn you rights beyond our mortal beliefs.

If you really think you're better than the rest of us because you worked on a Muppet film, then maybe it's time you rethink your life. Maybe if you like the 'powers' that the title "Muppet Performer" gives you, you'd do well to actually be a role model and not some dude laughing at others who merely have a different opinion than you do. At least we explain ourselves. To you, it's all just "blah, blah, blah".

Have a nice day.
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Feb 13, 2015
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Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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He's not Gord Robertson; Gord did Chip as an actual character on the Jim Henson Hour. Chip just had a silent appearance in MFS.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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He's not Gord Robertson; Gord did Chip as an actual character on the Jim Henson Hour. Chip just had a silent appearance in MFS.
The wiki gives him a Muppets From Space credit, but I can't find him in the MFS credits themselves, so I just assumed he was the guy behind Chip's cameo and it just wasn't large enough for an out-and-out credit.

Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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The wiki gives him a Muppets From Space credit, but I can't find him in the MFS credits themselves, so I just assumed he was the guy behind Chip's cameo and it just wasn't large enough for an out-and-out credit.
Yup; the more and more I research, I can't verify what I said at all.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Yup; the more and more I research, I can't verify what I said at all.
Lol! At the same time, though, I checked IMDb for a more complete cast list and I can't find him in it, and upon checking Gord's own page, I couldn't find a credit for MFS. Guess we'll just have to wait and see if Space Muppet is kind enough to divulge this info.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Aha. In that case I was definitely off in my post. What did Gord do in MFS, then?