Happy Fraggle Rock 21st Anniversary!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
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I would just like to take a moment and express my fondness for the ground-breaking show that was Fraggle Rock. Exactly 21 years ago to the day - January 10th, 1983 - the world (or at least then the CBC and HBO) came to know of the likes of Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red, and the entire gang that made up the Rock.

From songs, to stories, to postcards from Traveling Matt, we followed their antics on our television screens daily and stayed rapt with each new adventure and experience. But it was not just with fleeting whimsy that we watched. Many of us here on Muppet Central now, remember watching with an eye that Jim Henson had something with Fraggle. Apart from the celebrity antics and Muppety fanfare of The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock gave children insight into social communication issues and personal quandaries that they as children faced - and continue to face - every day in some shape or form. The core values of love, friendship, compassion, self-esteem, decisiveness (and at times indecisiveness), truth, honesty, safety, invention, exploration - and many more values on top of that - guided children in a path toward bettering themselves, appreciating others' differences, and finding joy in their similarities (as well as boundless other goals).

Through the hole-in-the-wall, we also learned as children of the power of song. For instance, with its catchy lyrics and infectious tune (plus Wembley's equally infectious-but-lovable squawk), "Pass It On" proved to be a great testament to the power of sharing, while "Music Makes Us Real," taught the power of dedication through the Minstrels' escapades through the Rock. Several of my favourite songs throughout the run of the show touched me for various reasons, and I would just like to take a moment to expound, if I may:

"Follow Me" became somewhat my raison d'etre - my mission or anthem, if you will - as it exemplified precisely what I feel 24/7 nonstop: the power of unearthing new discoveries, exploration, and making the most of yourself. Equally, the song - I think - showed me the power of individuality in its' alterior versions, especially the bumbling-but-carefree attitude showed by a younger Matt in the episode Born to Wander (referenced as "I Will (Follow Me)"). Strapped for guidance due to his bumbling, Matt Fraggle had to set out on his own and develop a path for himself. Though not always with the best method possible, he still managed to get the job done - one way or another.

Also equally important to me is Mokey's soliloquy on the wonderment of existence and invention, "Why (Do Caterpillars Crawl)." This song not only epitomizes life's main questions into a nice, neat package, but it also gives credence to the power of ingenuity as it allows the viewer to reflect on those issues during the lament. I found myself not only taken by Kathy Mullen's beautiful voice, but the song in-particular spoke to me with words of encouragement: ask questions and live life seeking out truth, honesty, and enjoyment in all that you do. And of utmost importance - strive to dream on and imagine. For without imagination, the mind cannot innovate.

There were many songs that I found touching and endearing to me, and the two above are pretty much my top favourite songs overall (message-wise and entertainment wise), but I must not exclude Red's charming piece, "Bring Back The Wonder," as - in not so many words - I find that throughout my life after high school, and into the libraries of University (and the library of life, as you will), that is my one retention anthem. I find myself having a strong desire to live my childhood over again and again. I am but twenty myself, but I think that working in an environment that allows strong creativity, the ability to touch lives again and again, and the allowance to regress back to things once-played-with, would be a dream come true. To this day, as I parallel my child-oriented side with studies in philosophy, foreign language, photography, and my love of bowling, I look at that youth-infused side - with my love of puppetry, the theatre, playing instruments and singing, and sitting back to watch good-old cartoons every so often, and I smile to think that I could be a faceless glob out there, but I'm not - I'm just me. Just as I reflect, so this is rooted in the parable that is Red's song. Many people do not think that we pick up so many things at a tender age, and yet - we most often do, whether we are aware of it or not. Thank you, Karen.

For a show that has affected me like no other ever has (or probably ever will so profoundly), I would like to thank everybody involved with the production, from the fantastic overseas crews that brought the experience further abroad, to the wonderful people here within the United States and Canada that worked their hearts out on this show. Per Fraggle, there were many that I was captivated by and taught me many lessons - whether they be show-based or through their efforts on a personal level. But two stick out poignantly in my mind:

First off, I would like to thank Jim - for without whom we would never have had the opportunity for this series that was a nugget within his creative mind, and the minds of others on his creative team. Your dedication to many-a-project and your tireless efforts to bring a little more happiness into the world through your creations has touched us all so very much. I am happy to have born witness to your work...may it live on forever!

Secondly, I would like to thank you, Karen, for instilling in me the power of exuberance and that somewhat introverted extroversion - the creative contemplation you brought to your characters. I was somewhat introverted - okay, I was extremely introverted until you showed me through the care with which you mould your characters' personalities what an efficient, dually-faceted psyche can be like. I'm still introverted somewhat, yes - but growing up I, from then on, had the confidence to be more outgoing. And I do to this day. I look back at your work and I smile!

So what more can I say about Fraggle Rock? Believe me, I could write a tome completely on the impact it had. For now, however, I think I shall leave it relatively short (if you can call three pages "short," that is...ha ha!), and I should like to end with a non-Fraggle quote that spans life itself, and one from the Rock that I hold near and dear:

'Everyone matters...from the smallest of the small...we can change the world around us with everything we do.' Kermit from A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie

'Everywhere I go, no one seems to know everything is always the same / Still I need to trust in the best of us - can't we change the rules of the game? It's time for everyone...time to live as one.' Mokey from Fraggle Rock

>Adam Harwood, who might I add is never leaving the magic. :smile:


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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There's a special Fraggle Rock 21st anniversary banner designed by Jamie up on the front of the site. It is truly a special day. I remember when Fraggle first aired like it was yesterday...


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
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That is such an amazing banner!

Congrats to Jamie for the sweet design - I'm drooling :excited:
And also, I really like the Wembley animation, and the Red one as well...well heck - I like 'em all - I can't say "great job and thanks" enough, you guys!


Sir Didymus

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Happy Fraggle 21st indeed! I'm going to celebrate by watching Fraggle Rock today, and I'm going to listen to fraggle music all day!

Thank you Jim For creating such a wonderful show that will live on forever!



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
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Super Scooter said:
So can the Fraggles drink now?
Hehe, yeah...but they were drinking Whoopie Water like it was going out of style back then - and look at Felix! ("One for you, one for me!") Just goes to show you that it needn't be alcohol for a Fraggle addiction. Hmm, I wonder if Nico-water is anything like Whoopie Water (LOL!)...only they don't make it in fizzy strawberry, ha ha!



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2002
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I think my all time favorite song from Fraggle Rock is "We are the children of tommarow" words listed below!
Wembley=W Cotterpin=C Gobo=G and so on......
W "I had always thought the world was full of mystery"
C "I had seen so many faces that were strange"
W/C "And it sometimes seemed that each one was my enimy"
W "And I said our fighting was would never change"
C "But I learned to meet my brother in my enimy"
W "And I learned that we are none of us alone"
W/C "for I found a friend whos different and He/She cares for me"
C "and I know a place we share can be our home"
W/C/G "We are the children of tommarow"
W/C/G/M "each one is different and the same"
W/C/G/M/B "Help us to live here with our other our brother"
W/C/G/M/B/R "One in heart one in hope one in vaine"

I love you guys! Thank you Jim! :smirk: :excited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2003
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Happy Fraggle Rock 21st everyone! :excited: :smirk:

May the memories of the Fraggles in our Childhood give us extra warmth today and forever! :smirk: :excited:

P.S. love the banner! :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2003
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Hurray for Fraggle Rock!

Whoopie Water! What a hoot! :excited:

PukkaPukka said:
Hehe, yeah...but they were drinking Whoopie Water like it was going out of style back then - and look at Felix! >Adam
I LOVE Fraggle Rock! :flirt: wow...
21 years...has it been that long? I remember when it first aired.
And I thought that it played on like HBO or Showtime or something...
That title song was hypnotic, when the show started, I was glued to the screen. It was just awesome. I watched it for years, then it disappeared.
I remember watching the Muppet Show and Sesame Street. Then Fraggle Rock popped in and I loved it.
My fave Fraggle. I think they are all great. But I loved Wembley.
I didn't care for Red much back then. Also, I loved the one that talked about laundry, I thought it was a bit weird, so he was cool.
I thought that talking Trash, leaf pile was kinda scary, wasn't there a rat or something with it?
My memories of Fraggle Rock are a bit faded. The last time I saw anything Fraggle was on the 'Muppet Family Christmas'
I haven't seen Fraggle Rock for about 15 years now.
I wish some station would play it again. It's a lovely show!