And now, here's the conclusion of this Muppet Easter fanfic
Chapter Six
An Eggciting Show Part Two
The audience cheered and clapped while the actors bowed to them. There were whispers of how adorable they were and parents voicing their pride. The children all left the stage and the audience stood up to walk around a little or, in case of the kids, to play around. Kermit and Scooter went over to the tables to get something to drink. When they got there, they watched Gonzo dragging Rizzo away to the locker rooms. The rat begged and pleaded but no one paid him any mind. Kermit and Scooter watched the kids playing with Rowlf, Animal and Robin. A few girls were with Miss Piggy, admiring her as she gave them tips on how to be a diva. Kermit wondered if he had to warn Mister Page that they soon would have mini divas running around. Nearby, Miss Taylor hosted a sack race; The Electric Mayhem watched the participants and Julie still walked around to take photos. Reginald still watched her, which unsettled her. Quickly glancing to him, she walked towards Kermit and Scooter.
“Hi there”, she said, taking a Snickers. She threw the wrapping of the snack in a nearby bin and took a bite out of the Snickers. “That bellboy’s been watching me for ages. Is he one of the Stasi or what?”
Neither answered her. Kermit and Scooter looked at each other and wondered what exactly the Stasi was anyway. Then again, Julie often threw around words no one understood. Or at least Kermit and Scooter did not.
Two large poles were situated in the stage, with a rope holding them together, similar to Gonzo’s act from a few weeks ago. But this time, there was no tub underneath the rope. This time, he wore blue high-heels, borrowed from Julie as Miss Piggy refused to lend hers, and held an umbrella in one hand and a teddy bear in the other. Rizzo stood on top of the umbrella, quivering with fear.
“Hey, Scooter, is that the teddy Gonzo’s wanted to use in his act for ages?”, asked Julie.
“Yeah”, Scooter confirmed. Julie gave him a tiny nod before fully paying attention to Gonzo.
“Dear children, ladies and gentlemen! From up here, I will dance in high-heels on the rope while holding a teddy bear and balancing an umbrella on my nose. Rizzo will be dancing on the umbrella and I will recite a piece of Goethe’s
Faust!”, announced Gonzo. Those who knew Goethe’s Faust, namely Julie and a few adults, frowned a little as this was certainly not something for children. Gonzo walked on the rope, while Rizzo was still quivering. The rat mumbled in high speed “Oh, I hate heights! I really hate heights!”. But Gonzo ignored him and began to recite:
Rivers and streams are freed from ice
By spring’s sweet enlivening glance.
Valleys, green with hope’s happiness, dance:
Old winter, in his weakness, sighs,
Withdrawing to the harsh mountains.
From there, retreating, he sends down
Impotent showers of hail that show
In stripes across the quickening ground.
But the sun allows nothing white below,
Change and growth are everywhere,
He enlivens all with his colors there,
And lacking flowers of the fields outspread,
He takes these gaudy people instead.
Turn round, and from this mountain height,
Look down, where the town’s in sight.
That cavernous, dark gate,
The colorful crowd penetrate,
All will take the sun today,
The risen Lord they’ll celebrate,
And feel they are resurrected,
From low houses, dully made,
From work, where they’re constricted,
From the roofs’ and gables’ weight,
From the crush of narrow streets,
From the churches’ solemn night
They’re all brought to the light.
Look now: see! The crowds, their feet
Crushing the gardens and meadows,
While on the river a cheerful fleet
Of little boats everywhere it flows.
And over-laden, ready to sink,
The last barge takes to the stream.
From far off on the mountain’s brink,
All the bright clothing gleams.
I hear the noise from the village risen,
Here is the people’s true Heaven,
High and low shout happily:
Here I am Man: here, dare to be!
The audience gasped when Rizzo almost fell off the umbrella, cheered when Gonzo did a complicated dance step and laughed about the general ridiculousness. Only the fewest had paid attention to the poem, the other had been too busy to watch Gonzo dancing or laughing at Rizzo. The rat was relieved when he was in firm ground again. So much that he even kissed the ground a few times, all the while Gonzo was bowing right next to him to the audience.
“Hm, I have read Goethe”, said a familiar voice.
“You have met Goethe”, retorted another familiar voice. Instinctively, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Rizzo and all the other Muppets looked to the direction the voices came from. To their surprise, they saw Statler and Waldorf. When did they get here?
“Um let’s get the stage ready for the next, shall we?”, said Kermit. “Girls, you’re next.”
The four girls nodded at him when they stood up and three of them walked over to the locker rooms where they had stored their costumes. Julie handed Scooter her camera and explained him how to take pictures with it before following the others. Jeremy and his friends played a game of tag with Robin. Max’s twin brother, Moritz, was it. Nearby, a mother held a conversation with Miss Taylor.
“Who was that girl that walked around, took pictures and threw foreign words around? I’ve never seen her before.”
“Well, Missus Tyler, we’ve been told that she works backstage for The New Muppet Show. She’s only included to our program to help us out. You see, your son and his friends were the only one performing before the Muppets offered their help.”
“Oh, now that explains why there haven’t been any other children on stage.”
Meanwhile, a few girls played hide-and-seek with Bean Bunny; adults were talking to each other or with the Muppets. After what seemed like an eternity, the girls arrived. Julie wore a simple blue summer dress with a pair of white shorts underneath the skirt. She wore a blue necklace with a seashell around her neck and a blue headband. Janice wore a raspberry-colored tank top and jeans. Her hair was decorated with a flower. Camilla simply wore accessories, like beads and feathers. Miss Piggy was the most extravagant of all. She wore a green silk gown, incidentally – or maybe purposely – the same shade as Kermit, opera gloves of a darker shade. Her hair was partly up, only a few strands framing her face. A green headband, which was adorned by a pink flower, decorated her hair. The males could not deny it, the girls all looked beautiful. Floyd could not keep his eyes off of Janice, just like Gonzo could not stop looking at Camilla and Kermit at Miss Piggy. These three girls blushed when they noticed their lovers’ eyes on them, while the only one without a boyfriend giggled. The Electric Mayhem all took their instruments, including Janice, and as the curtain opened, revealing a beautiful blue sky, they began to play.
“It all began on one of those
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah days, now that’s the kind of day where you can’t open your mouth without a song jump right out of it”, said Janice before she started to sing:
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay
My oh my, what a wonderful day
Julie then joined her in:
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay
Now both girls sang in duet, both looking on their shoulders to see a bluebird:
Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's actual, ev'rything is satisfactual
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day, yes sir
The next verse was joined by Camilla:
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay (bawk-ba-bawk-bawk-bawk, bawk-ba-bawk-ba)
My oh my, what a wonderful day (ba ba ba bawk ba bawk-ba-bawk bawk)
Miss Piggy joined, too, and thus every girl sang:
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way (bawk ba bawk-bawk bawk-bawk ba ba)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay (bawk-ba-bawk-bawk-bawk, bawk-ba-bawk-ba)
Again, the girls looked on their shoulders.
Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder (bawk bawk-ba ba ba bawk-ba)
It's the truth, it's actual, ev'rything is satisfactual (ba ba bawk, ba bawk-ba, bawk-bawk bawk-bawk)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay (bawk-ba-bawk-bawk-bawk, bawk-ba-bawk-ba)
Wonderful feeling, feeling this way (bawk-bawk bawk-bawk, bawk-bawk bawk ba)
There was musical interlude, courtesy of the Electric Mayhem. When it was time for the girls to sing again, they once again looked on their shoulders:
Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder (bawk bawk-ba ba ba bawk-ba)
It is the truth, it's actual… huh?
(ba ba ba bawk, ba bawk-ba… ba?
All four females looked around in confusion
“Where is that bluebird?” (Bawk ba ba bawk bawk-ba?)
Then they looked straight ahead. The bluebirds were flying in front of their faces and they let out a small chuckle.
Ev'rything is satisfactual (bawk-bawk bawk-bawk)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-Ay (bawk-ba-bawk-bawk-bawk, bawk-ba-bawk-ba)
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day (bawk-bawk bawk-bawk, bawk-bawk ba)
Their performance was met with applause and cheer. Brightly smiling, the girls all curtsied while Floyd, Doctor Teeth, Zoot and Lips bowed. Animal wildly played some notes on his drums. When the clapping died down, they jumped off the stage.
“Well, I’ve seen worse”, commented Waldorf.
“Yeah, because you didn’t watch it”, added Statler and both laughed their “D'oh-ho-ho!”. The girls glared at them before three of them walked over to their boyfriends. Julie, meanwhile, went over to Scooter and Floyd and Janice sat down underneath a tree. Gonzo gave Camilla words of praise while they walked off to stroll through the school grounds. Kermit took Miss Piggy in his arms and whispered:
“You were terrific. You all were.”
“Merci beaucoup”, said Miss Piggy.
“You know, maybe we should add this to the show”, smirked Kermit. “The Four Fabulous Females.”
But Julie overheard him and mumbled to Scooter:
“Only when an act suddenly got cancelled.”
“So, about every show?”, he replied. Julie raised her eyebrows at him. Kermit and Miss Piggy noticed nothing of Scooter and Julie’s little conversation for they both had left their seats right after Kermit had made his comment. The frog and the pig walked together hand in hand through the school grounds, with a romantic song serving as the background music. They came across Judy and Diane, Max and Moritz’s sister, who had joined the twins, Jeremy and Robin in a game of tag. Kermit looked after them, glad his nephew was having so much fun. Robin noticed him looking and waved, causing him to be it. But he shrugged it off and hopped after the others. Kermit chuckled to himself as he and Miss Piggy sat down on a bench. Farther away, they could see Rowlf talking to Martha and her family. But for the moment, it was just them. Miss Piggy snuggled closer to him and leaned her head against his. He put a hand around her waist, feeling the silky material beneath his fingers.
“You know, Miss Piggy, you look beautiful in that dress”, complimented Kermit.
“Vous are just saying that”, replied Miss Piggy, although she had trouble hiding her smile.
“No, I mean it. You’re the most beautiful pig I’ve ever laid my eyes on”, Kermit gazed deeply into her blue eyes.
“And I love it how you placed your eyes on me”, whispered Miss Piggy. Behind them, the sun started to set, casting a warm light on the two lovers as they shared a sweet kiss.
The stage was set for the last act before the grand finale. Fake inventions served as the background and Bunsen and Beaker stood in front of these. The former held a circle-shaped piece of metal, big enough to carry one person, in his hand. It had a little control panel. Every now and then, Beaker warily eyed it and inconspicuouslytook a step sideways. Those who noticed snickered to themselves.
“It is always such a bother if you have to travel long distances. There can always be traffic jams and flights can be cancelled. But this all ends with the newest invention, the Long Distance Travel Circle”, said Bunsen, holding the invention high for everyone to see. “My assistant, Beaker, will demonstrate for you. Come on, Beaker, don’t be nervous.”
Beaker warily approached the Long Distance Travel Circle, trembling like a leaf. Bunsen lay it down on the stage, revealing propulsions similar to the ones rocket have, only in a much smaller scale. Beaker stepped on the Long Distance Travel Circle.
“Here on this control panel, you can enter the location and the cruising speed. For demonstrating purposes, I will enter the school entrance in high speed”, explained Bunsen while pressing a couple of buttons. The Long Distance Travel Circle smoothly rose a few centimeters up in the air. Beaker covered his eyes in fright but when nothing happened, he removed his hands and relaxed. Unexpectedly, it sputtered and coughed and, like a jack-in-the-box, the part Beaker was standing on popped up, sending him flying.
Everybody else followed his flight until he crashed against a wall.
“Mee mee meee…”, said Beaker weakly, sliding down the wall.
“Well, it seems the Long Distance Travel Circle still needs some work.”
It was time for the grand finale. By now, the sun had fully set and the only light came from the stage. Curtains opened to reveal Robin happily playing with a baseball. The background depicted a beautiful day in spring. Blue skies and sunshine, lush green grass and tall trees gave the scenery a sense of peacefulness. Kermit and Miss Piggy sat on a bench behind him and watched him play. She wore a simple lavender colored dress with a dark purple sash around her waist, with gloves and a lavender colored parasol. Robin stopped playing and looked over to them.
“Is Sweetums there yet?”
“No, not yet”, replied Kermit.
“Go on playing, we’ll tell when he’s here”, added Miss Piggy. Robin nodded and threw his baseball up in the air before catching it, laughing merrily. He failed to catch the ball after some time and it rolled off. It landed at the feet of a person, clad entirely in black. The hood was up, obscuring his or her face. The person picked up the baseball as Robin came closer.
“Can I have my ball back, please?”, he asked. Kermit and Miss Piggy warily watched the person ready to jump in action. But they never expected what came next. The person wordlessly looked at Robin when the wind, suddenly and unexpectedly, picked up. The storm got worse and worse until everything went black. Everything was silent, no one dared to breathe. Slowly, Kermit got up and looked around. The once tall trees were uprooted, branches were lying around.
“Kermie, look!”, alerted Miss Piggy, pointing at something. The frog looked to where she was pointing at. It was the same place Robin and the person where at but both were gone without a trace. Only his baseball remained.
“No, no, no, no”, whispered Kermit, racing to the baseball and picking it up. He held the ball close to him, not believing his nephew, who was more like a son to him, was gone. Miss Piggy approached him and comfortingly embraced him from behind. Sweetums came to the scene, with a spring in his step and a cheerful smile on his face. But this turned into a frown when he saw them both.
“What… happened?”
“Robin’s been kidnapped”, explained Miss Piggy, while rubbing Kermit’s shoulders in comfort. “We have to save him.”
“But how?”, said a depressed Kermit. “We don’t know where they disappeared to.”
“And what about that scary looking mountain over there?”, asked Sweetums, pointing at said mountain that had suddenly appeared in the background. The frog and the pig looked at each other in confusion before the three went off to the mountain.
Ominous clouds hung over the mountain. There was no life, nothing. No animal and no plants. No matter where they looked, it was gray. The silence was unsettling. Hopefully, they would be able to rescue Robin as soon as possible and never set a foot here again. Suspiciously enough, there were no guards or other obstacles. But they saw a platform, where the person and his or her lackey stood. Robin lay on the floor, bound and gagged. The person seemed to be performing a ritual. Robin’s struggling became weaker and weaker.
The person distractedly looked to the side before being hurled to the side by Sweetums. Scooter approached, with an evil look on his face, Robin. The little frog looked at him in fear as he struggled. But Miss Piggy came to his rescue by knocking Scooter out with a karate-chop. Kermit hurried to free him.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah”, replied Robin who was in shock. He trembled in fear. Next to him, the person still struggled with Sweetums. A kick in the stomach later and the person was standing again.
“No. He must not escape”, said the person, revealing to be a female. “I need the soul of a pure hearted young frog to live forever.”
“Sorry, but little Robin hear still needs his soul”, replied Miss Piggy and karate-chopped her in the chest. With a cry of pain, she was on her knees. Scooter recovered and walked over to her side. His mistress summoned a ball of energy and hurled it in her enemies’ direction. But Sweetums took a shield, which conveniently lay around, and deflected the ball of energy back to her. It hit her in the chest and with a cry of pain she collapsed. Scooter looked at her unmoving form before looking at the others. They all glared at him and he, sheepishly smiling, ran off.
Curtains closed. The audience cheered and whistled. Statler and Waldorf were snoring in their sleep. The performers appeared in front of the curtains, bowing to them. Julie had now the hood down. Mister Page came on stage with the microphone.
“Well, that certainly was a great finale to a great party”, he said, to which the audience only cheered louder. “I want to thank everyone who had made this Easter party possible and enjoyable. But now the party is over and I wish you all a good night.”
He walked off the stage. Miss Piggy and Julie went to the locker rooms to get change. The latter gave Scooter the costumes the hotel had lent them and asked him to hand it over to Reginald. He did so and also asked him, why he was looking at Julie all the time.
“I thought she looked cute”, was his reply but he acknowledged she would never be interested in him. Everybody went home but not without saying goodbye to the Muppets and thanking them for the show. Seeing their happy and grateful faces filled the Muppets with happiness. When everyone was gone, they went to The Electric Mayhem tour bus, as they had already checked out in the morning. By using the Travel By Map button, they were home in a jiffy.
The Swedish Chef, Fozzie, Thog, Lew Zealand and Uncle Deadly welcomed them back when they entered the Muppet Boarding House. They sat in the living room, drinking hot chocolate and telling about their week. Fozzie had a terrific time with his mother and he was glad he got a break from Statler and Waldorf. Lew Zealand was somewhere in the east coast fishing. The Swedish Chef, Uncle Deadly and Thog had stayed in the Boarding House. Kermit told them about their week, with the others adding bits and pieces. They told them about the show they had made for school children and the families. Julie smiled at this and took a sip from her hot chocolate before saying her comment on this:
“It was a great way to spend Easter, even if it was a little unexpected.”
The End
I found the translation of the piece Gonzo recited
Stasi is short for Staatssicherheit (state security service). When Germany was divided in West Germany and East Germany, they spied after the citizens of the latter. You had to be careful of what you said and did for those who said anything bad about the government were punished. Anything from the west was evil for them. It all ended when West and East Germany were one once again.
this is the song I imagined that was played in the background for the little Kermit and Miss Piggy scene after the girls' performance.
I hope you enjoyed Happy Easter
