Happy Birthday & Thank You Jim Henson

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Happy birthday, Jim, and many thanks for the wonderful, laugh-inducing gift you gave to the world.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Here's to spreading you dreams through another generation. Happy Birthday Jim.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Happy birthday, to the 2 best voices Kermit ever had!

I've never lived in a world with Jim Henson himself. That much I can say.:cry:

But at the same time, I feel as though I know him. It's strange, but in a way, it makes sense; I mean, much of my chilhood and the ideals I carry with me today are a direct result of Jim's dreams, and the realities he created, which in turn feuled each of our dreams, and our desire to turn them into a reality. I never spoke to him, but he has spoken to my heart; "We see with our eyes; we know with our hearts." (Insert Cantus the Minstrel smiley here)

Jim, you have been a teacher, a mentor, a hero and an inspiration to both me and the world in general. God bless you, rest in peace, and have a happy birthday, wherever you are! (Probably kicking back on a cloud up in heaven, sipping a glass of Sparkling Muskatel through a straw and smiling :smile: )

As for you, Mr. Steve Whitmire, You've been an inspiration too, so have a frabjous day, kick back, keep on smiling and most of all, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Happy Birthday Jim and Steve.

Always glad to celeabrate Jims and Steves on the same day seeing the were both born on the same date.

I hooked up my mp3 player with as much Jim and a little of Steve's songs of Kermit and Ernie. So all day long i listen to Kermit, Ernie, Dr. Teeth, Bip B. (Sesame Street) and Rowlf.

Happy Birthday to the both of you awsome and wonderful people of the worlds of Muppets. Thanks for everything ya'll have both done and everything that Jim has done way before Steve's time.

Thanks to Jim for my favorite characters of all time. There's no need of mentioning them because everyone on here talk about them alot. (and i already mentons most in the last sentence) So thanks for them and thanks for all of Steve's characters who have been mentioned alot too. Love ya'll and sweet dreams. :smile: :stick_out_tongue: