Happy Birthday Phil. Keep up the good, great, grand, awsome JOB!
*the monsters and one grouch come in*
Grover: Happy Birthday Mr. Chapman sir.
Herry: Hap-py Birthday Mr. Chapman. Have a good one.
Cookie M: Me glad you still here. Me try and bring cake but me ate it but Happy Birth-day.

Hey?! Have a rotten b-day. You've made my whole life here miserable.
Herry: *nudes Oscar*
Oscar: Th-th-th-th-th...
Grover: *slaps Oscar on the back*
Oscar:.....thank you. I'm going to hate myself in the morning.
*other actor that plays me and the yak and bigfoot*
Kyle the kid next door: Happy Birth....who's this for again?
Biggy: For a guy who runs a web site called "Muppet Central". I think his name is Fill.
Kyle the kid next door: Thanks. Happy Birthday Fill.
Yakky: I think that guy stoled our name and put a "U" in it instead. Seems everyone steals stuff and gets away with it.
Biggy: Be nice. It's this guys b-day.
Yakky: Happy Birthday. *under breath* Idiot.