Natal NewsFlash
Though it's late in the day of your birth,
Still the sun hasn't circled the earth,
So I'm taking the time in this little rhyme
To say, "Since you've come, there's no dearth
Of Martians and Monsters and Mayhem!
('Hey now,' complained Floyd, 'we've been here.')
And we've all seen a new side of Newsie
Since Gina's been bringing him cheer.
Your fics are the mostest, you're one super hostess
When telling a tale made from scratch!
All good MC folks like your tales and your jokes--
For talent you're quite without match!
The world turns around on its axis
Unmindful of those on its skin
But OUR little world turns much better,
Since you've become our kith and kin!
We wish you the best and the brightest
(That leaves out Link, Pepe and Beau)
Cause it just couldn't go without saying--
Even though we all hope that you know:
Whether we're on top or the bottom,
In trouble or sailing along,
You sure make the trip more exciting
By adding your own muppet song!
I hope that your birthday is happy,
Your birth makes us happier, too!
We could look a long time to find someone
Who fits half as well in this zoo!
Love ya,