happy birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY happy birthdayhappy birthday to you!
hee hee hee- that's how the singing cake used to do it in Bio last year. Ah, yes, the singing cake....
<enter several muppet cakes upstage left>
singing cakes: LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA
me: why do you guys keep singing my initials?
singing cakes: um...um...
singing cake 1: wow! its a talking human!
singing cake 2: wow! its a talking cake!
singing cake 3: this place is full of phenomena
me with all singing cakes except singing cake 3: DO DOO DO DO DO!
oh wow I'm having too much fun again... DO DO DO DO! DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO! mahnamahnanana mahh nananana na, manana ma nana na na......
<cue explosion