Grover using contractions

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I have read that Grover does not use contractiosn when he talks (so instead of saying "Can't", he says "Can not", and instead of saying "Won't", he says "Will not"). I have read a quote from Frank Oz where he says that if Grover uses contractions in a script, Oz makes sure he does not use them.

But there have been a few occassions where he has used contractions.

I have read that in the first season sketch where Grover and some other monsters demonstrate first and last, at one point, when he thinks Beautiful Day Monster is last in line, he says "Fred's last!", instead of "Fred is last!" Then again, I know that his personality was not fully developed in the first season. Frank Oz and the writers might have decided that it would be best for him not to use contractiosn untill later.

And he often uses contractiosn in songs. In Fuzzy and Blue, he says "I'm fuzzy and blue" instead of "I am fuzzy and blue". And then there's the song "What do I do when I'm alone", which is not titled "What do I do when I am alone".

Does anybody know of any other examples of Grover using contractions (and has anybody noticed that in this whole post I did not use contractiosn, except for in quotes? I did that on purpose)?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah, Data on Star Trek had the same problem. As a rule, he never used contraditions, but the actor was always getting mail pointing out times when he had!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Well, I wouldn't count the first season one, since that wasn't the official 'Grover,' just more of a 'proto-Grover.' Anyway, I've thought of that too. After all, in the 36 years that Grover was around it's hard to believe that Grover never said 'don't' or 'can't.' I can imagine Frank or Eric would probably have slipped-up on that at least a few times.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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heralde said:
Yeah, Data on Star Trek had the same problem. As a rule, he never used contraditions, but the actor was always getting mail pointing out times when he had!
I have also read recently that Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons never uses contractions. I had not noticed untill reccently.