Okay guys... I'm baaaaack!!!!! Wow that was a fun trip! I went hiking, went swimming, slept outside in a tent, had a campfire, got rained on, got sunburned and had a wonderful time!!!
We saw wild animals, had a racoon raid our trash, swam with fish, and cooked on a campfire!!!
Yeah, we cheated a bit.. I had my portable DVD player with me but we did get to watch some good movies while it was raining.
All in all, it was a fun trip and next time we are going to rent a canoe!!! The insect repellant was a lifesaver, and the bananas with marshmallows.. YUMMY!
I highly recommend going camping to anyone that wants to be away from it all. Sleeping in the tent was the coolest thing. The only thing I didn't really like was the showers.. those needed to be cleaned a bit more often.
I'm happy I went though.. can't wait to go again!
~Beth C