I couldn't agree more. I mean, it's one of those sorts of jokes that's nervously funny the firt time, but either annoying or disturbing (or both) subsequent times. But I still think it's an improvement over those "Inter-office" related commercials which were flat out howlingly unfunny.
"I'm Spicy!" yep... real yukfest there
In fact the last decent comerical BK had was the ones animated with Spongebob in them last year (because of the movie).
But did anyone notice that Quaker has followed suit with a similar ad campaign? Instead of a guy in a creepy suit, they have an equally creepy statue of the guy on the box that looks like Ben Franklin.
Of course, McDonald's is making crappy commercials as well. They used the "I didn't listen to my wife! What did she want?" gag like 4 times now, and it still isn't funny.
"I'm Spicy!" yep... real yukfest there

In fact the last decent comerical BK had was the ones animated with Spongebob in them last year (because of the movie).
But did anyone notice that Quaker has followed suit with a similar ad campaign? Instead of a guy in a creepy suit, they have an equally creepy statue of the guy on the box that looks like Ben Franklin.
Of course, McDonald's is making crappy commercials as well. They used the "I didn't listen to my wife! What did she want?" gag like 4 times now, and it still isn't funny.