Actually, I was more concerned about Oz being run against the Daytime Emmys, myself.
Well, as I can remember, when MT wasn't performing as well as the... ehem... "quality" programming they had before, they moved it to sunday nights for a few weeks, which was even more of a bad choice. If I can recal, at the same time, Pinky and the Brain was struggling in the same time slot against 60 Minutes and got creamed. They even parodied that fact in one episode of Animaniacs (Yakko's exact line was they'd get creamed, which is why I used it) and on one episode of Pinky and the Brain.
The new characters I did like... well... Johnny, Sal, Pepe, Bobo, and VanNeuter (who I liked better in MFS), but the new Pigs in space and Bay of Pigs watch didn't work too well. They were funny once, but after a while, they seem to be better as one time use only skits.
But the reason I feel it just didn't have the same feel isn't because Jim was dead (though it was a big factor) but because Frank wasn't really in the show, being a director and all.
But all and all, I did enjoy it, and I missed only one episode that actually aired on ABC. It was fun, it was good, but no TMS. But I did like JHH much better.