Voice of Dissent
I'm wholeheartedly against the idea of adding a gender tag to our IDs. I find this whole notion rather disturbing. Why exactly does anyone want to know? Unless you're using Muppet Central as a kind of dating service, I can't see how knowing male or female is useful. One of the beauties of the internet is that no one else can be sure if you're male or female (or of one color or another, of one nationality, etc.), and they have to read your words as is.
Would people read my posts differently thinking I was a female than they would thinking I was a male?
Yes, most people WOULD read my posts differently, not because we're bigots or otherwise bad people but just because gender expectations and reactions are so deeply burned into us that they hurt us before we even know they're there.
But right now, people CAN'T do that on Muppet Central. They might assume I'm one or the other, but they can't dismiss something I write because "she's just a woman" or "it's just like a man to say that!" (and attitudes like that are stuck deep inside most of us whether we'd ever consciously use those words or not).