Like Roger Ebert, I called The Cell the most visionary film of 2000(Ok, I think The Cell made it as #2 on his list right under Crouching Tiger) Yeah the script was weak in parts, but as a fan of avant garde visuals in cinema from beinnign to end I was completely floored.
Then again, like Natural Born Killers it was a direct homage/ripoff of a whole mish mash of visual styles. Basically the Cell is pretty much Mark Romanek's(Nine Inch Nails and Madonna videos)
MTV style, meets The Brothers Quay and a bit of Dave Mckean and Godfried Helmwein.
Yeah I didnt mean ugly...but 'ornate' when trying to describe Mckean's style. Calling it macabre for me would be lazy.
Grotesque yet strikingly visual. Anyone whose scene Mckean's photo realistic painting style knows how remarkable some of hi stuff is. My first taste of the Gaiman/Mckean collaboration was from the Sandman comic book over a decade ago.
Personally I think a lot of modern Fantasy films(well, cept maybe LOTR) is too sterile. I wanna see a return to that organic look of Dark Crystal. At any rate, this project sounds too cool...just wish it wasnt straight to video.