FWD: Help Stop the Reinstatement of the Draft!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I haven't read up any on this subject for a while, as when school is out, my brain tends to go on vacation, but from what I have read it doesn't seem to be AS big of an issue as it is played as.....I recieved the first e-mail several months ago, and after a news search of every news source I could think of, it seemed that this bill hadn't even gone to a committee yet (now I don't know if it has since then, but even if it has, I don't know if anything was vetoed, or if it even survived the committee)....so yes a bill WAS conceived, but it's still a while until crunch time. Our country has other fish to fry right now (and I'm wishing the first was Saddam....but *sigh* no one asked me) I think we just need to ride out the current issues right now....so fill your car up with expensive gas, and make sure and vote...I don't care what way, and I'm not going to push anyone one way or another, but in my opinion if you don't vote, you have no right to complain at all.

*****This really only applies to those who are over 18...yes we minors may be concerned with issues that are pressing on society today, but until we turn that magic age, there's not much we can do...but there is something....make sure eveyone in your family votes and uses their right as a FREE person. Convince those who aren't sure...those who have just turned 18, encourage them to do their political homework, don't just listen to a few reports....some stations tend to swing one way, while others tend to swing the other.....that's just the way a strong republican is...and most importantly, be proud of being an American*****

*steps off virtual soapbox*