Buck-Beaver said:
I'm not sure why the hostility has been ratcheted up so high all of a sudden - 5th grade tattletale? I absolutely resent that.
I said I wouldn't comment after my last statements but I think it should at least be said so everyone knows how I feel.
The comments about the 5th grade tattletale are not directed at you. You simply chose to respond to my message so please overlook that and don't take it personally. I think you took the brunt of what was being said to mean you personally. Understand I was referring to the group attitude in general. It should also be said that the situation was much more hostile in other threads before I came along and even made a comment. Please understand that my intent was to make a point and not single you out. Again you chose to respond so I replied back. I certainly, did not intend to open this can of worms above, made by others, that in my opinion, is in questionable taste.
Beleive it or not Buck, I really agree with your statements that you made back to me. It's hard to make right or wrong of issues like copyright when it's such a large grey area and open for interpretation. Copyright was intended to protect not hinder or berate people. I totally agree with you on that.
Back when Barney first became popular I was at a large entertainment tradeshow and had the opportunity to speak to HIT about copyrights. Their legal team told me they would actively persue *anyone* infringing on the Barney Trademark or likeness. Even fan-made costumes, profit or not. I thought that was a bit harsh but they stood their ground. Course, that was about a billion years ago...or so it feels like...and they may have lightend up a lot since then. But that just goes to show how everything is open to interpretation. Like Buck and I, both said.
I do feel sometimes that people in the forum can be a little over-zealous in their attempts to remind people that selling puppet replicas is against the law. Coming from an unbaised member of the board (remember I don't care much of it either way) sometimes however, it can come across as a little over the top so, I think a little kindness along with the good intent can go a long way.
Buck, as puppeteer and builder I do value your opinions and knowelge even if we don't always agree eye to eye.

Sometimes, suprisingly, we do. I hope that this will put an end to any question you my have about hostility towards you. I have nothing but admiration and respect....especially for someone who can debate or make think fast on my feet.
So here's hoping we can shake hand and be friends....
(Just let me take this puppet off my hand first)
And now back to rubber chickens!!!