In muppet Christmas carol you can see lots of fraggle extras like some minstrals, and they have a seen in the opening song were in a door way you see the main minstral (not cantus but the other guy) Bagoonie and the mud bunny as a family. They also have lots of those ink spot characters, those little things with the big mouths. Oh and when there playing the guessing game atscrooges nephews house sittling on the couch is the green minstral with big hair sitting next to mr mac mootch! And in Muppets tonight in the dr van nueter thing they had a poison chackler in one of the cages and on the opening song when all the characters go and sit down, you can see bagoonie and large marvin! Also has any body played muppet race mania on play station, that has a Fraggle rock level and Flange doozer as one of the racers, and in the fraggle rock level ma pa and jr peek there eyes in at you while you race and you can drive on the doozer consructions! Thats all I know about!
Wembley Fraggle (Tyler Curtis)