Doozers! Doozers! And more Doozers!
Infinity Sirius said:
Do you have an alter and incense for them in your room?
As a Matter of fact... I do.
j/k Long Live The Doozers may they work and build 'til the end of time.
Foodie said:
I burn doozer incense sticks in my house.
So you're telling me you worship them too as well as the allmightly Gobo?
:smerk: heheheh I'm kidding I knew what you meant. Good pun.
Speaking of Gobo did you know his son JR and yes Gobo had a son in my fics. He also worships Doozers.
* Thinks to herself if she should start her calling all Doozer worshippers thread here like she did in Fraggle Rockers *