I was always wanted something with the more obscure characters from Fraggle Rock, too! That's where the inspiration came from as well for this design. I mean, who doesn't want Mudwell AND Begoony on the same shirt!

I tried to that with my last entry too, though you can't see them as well..or as colorful..ly.
I'm very sorry, but as the ToughPigs guy said, he doesn't mean to offend anyone and the points do not matter and at least he reviewed yours as they disqualify their friends' from reviewing as they'd be biased because they know them. On the other hand, I'd like to see how they'd review their friend's ones...
I don't want to dwell on this any longer but I will say that saying "our friend knocked it out of the park, it's incredible and a great idea" is a positive review even if they don't put "5" after it. I don't care about the points because it's just their opinion, but I wanted to say something
somewhere since he went out of his way to make his review of mine that said "our poor friend, everyone copied his idea, but I guess this is alright too." I just thought that was an unnecessary crack. I liked how they went through the first Threadless Muppet contest better, where they
actually didn't review their friends, just put a little plug at the bottom. I just got upset because they're a popular major fan site and they kind of made me sound like I was ripping someone-they-want-to-win off. Plus, it's not like I can tell
them I was offended so I wanted to blow off steam while letting people here know they were reviewing them if they were curious . I don't take the review seriously, it's the copycat bit that gets me.
Sorry about going off-topic like that though, I've cooled off about it since then. I'll back back out of the way for the rest of your guy's awesome entries!