Fraggle Rock fanfic: Those Of The Black Snow


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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"Where did it happen?" Gobo asked, settling down nearby to polish the goo off of his hockey stick. "I mean I beg your pardon Miss Bimsy but I've traveled and explored lots of places, and well , they've never had fraggles that look as much like Boober as you do..."

Red leaded over toward Wembley with a weighted look and was rewarded with half of his peppermint twist handed over with a cheerful grin and a laugh.

"Our home back then was called Northern Rock..It was always cold and hardly ever saw the sun."

Under his blanket tent Boober bowed his head slowly as Red chewed loudly on her candy, watching him closely like a particularly intresting water beetle.

"Sounds like prime Boober growing country to me." She said softy, her words almost gentle.

Bimsy only smiled gazing off into memory as the group gathered closer, the unmistakable figure of Large Marvin making an almost graceful hop to sit next to their guest, while everyone was not paying attention.

"But oh, we loved it so...and even if we had our own name (which was quite unpronounceable) all others called us Those of The Snow...this time of year..was..our favorite.."


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Argh! Get with the story already!
Well, that little part was actually the ending of the last part, so the whole part together starts things:coy:...
This story is different to me because apart from Bimsy telling bits there is almost no talking in it itself, just scenes :embarrassed:...I hope when I get to a certain part the darkness of it all won't send people off screaming like To Fly... seems to have:sympathy: